


Author Topic: Overwatch Megathread  (Read 783417 times)

coming from a league perspective, junkrat actually has more similarities to ziggs than the demoman
he even has a rubber ducky inner tube now

also, while playing junkrat, normally you only need to hit one bomb and then can use your bouncy ability to finish people off
it's also pretty fun to just leave a trap + mine somewhere, since people will keep using the same route even though you've killed them 3+ times already like that

junkrat's actual ultimate ability is trapping the cave medkit on route 66 when the enemy sombra hacks it

I have Overwatch now. What are some tips and tricks for a person who has played a lot of first person shooter games, but is new to OW?
the closest character that plays like ur typical FPS game and also a good all-around character in general is soldier 76, but junkrat is pretty gud for people who used to play demoman too :p
altho each character plays differently, so try to experiment with each of them til u get a good feel of some of them, ideally at least one from each category so u can flex if it comes to that

other than ur character choice, i don't believe this is on by default but just in case be sure to enable allied health bars in the control options since it's a good piece of info to have on (usually it's only on for healers)

wow I've had a lot of fun w/ Overwatch so far

good! :) also at level 25 u'll unlock the competitive ranked mode, but if ur gonna get into that it might be best to wait a lil while after that first
also it can get a bit toxic on ur team depending on what heroes everyone picks so uh ya :/

if u even want to get into it that is, personally i've only touched it once and never bothered again but i still have fun playing quickplay the arcade modes and custom games since it's been released! but i don't mean to scare u off if u did want to do it it's not all bad :p
« Last Edit: January 04, 2018, 01:43:43 AM by gr8dayseth »

o and

i am a genjo god at 1 am apparently

Just barely made it to platinum smh

havent played in a while. Don't really like the new mercy, would be better if revival range was increased instead of having to stand on top of them, plus the slowdown makes you a nice af target. Don't even think about reviving someone during/after a push, as you wont be able to continue healing during the super long animation and you'd probably just get capped by widow anyway. Mass revive wasn't the best either but I'm sure it could have been handled differently. It basically put Mercy from an okay support until high plat/diamond and now only idiots would get juked by her plays. I guess dats just the way it is

on the contrary mercy's like the best support right now even at a pro level lol (probably mostly due to her new ult, but rez is still invaluable) she'll probably get a nerf or rework sometime soon
maybe u need to get used to the changes a bit more, u can't just revive people all willy-nilly now

maybe u need to get used to the changes a bit more, u can't just revive people all willy-nilly now

oh definitely, ive been trying to practice with her before I tackle any of my comp games. I just feel as if there's more payoff to playing lucio/zenyatta even as support characters because Mercy seems so.. useless. Her new ult is a great idea but I don't see many instances in which it can be used effectively sans getting a few kills every 10 minutes in between the charge times. Literally reduce rez during ult from 10 to 5 seconds and it would be great. The whole time the game has had the team revive mercy ult and even then pro teams picked her none lol

im glad they're picking her up again but why play a more complex character when you can literally play junkrat and mouse 1 to win?

I managed to get play of the game as Soldier 76 earlier, and managed to win a game by capturing a point as Junkrat thru flanking (and spam)

all this talk about playing overwatch for the first time is making me nostalgic

every day I regret not taking a screenshot in my first game and catching literally every player being level 1-2, but this is close enough

god, the old number backgrounds are almost as bad as the beta UI colors

are there a lot less players than there used to be? I'm regularly waiting 2-3 mins to get into a game and going thru the skirmish system

I turned off the skirmish thingie myself, dunno, just feel like I get to the game faster that way

also, I'm rank 13 and regularly being matched with rank 40+ people, why is this? I thought you were supposed to be matched with people of similar rank