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Topics - Tezuni 2.0

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Suggestions & Requests / USA Presidential Candidate Faces Prints 4x
« on: January 28, 2016, 01:32:53 AM »
Bernie Sanders
Donald Annoying Orange
Hillary Clinton

General Discussion / Tezuni's ROTATIONS server is Online
« on: January 07, 2016, 07:56:37 PM »
This server features several gamemodes which rotate every 3 rounds based on a voting system.

It's up right now. watch the preview trailer by abstract

Thought it would be cool for some people I host for to have their console logs saved since their servers restart automatically some seconds after quitting the server.

The code and package execute just fine but upon quit(); there is are no backup log files created. I am assuming this is because the console.log is still open and thus not able to be copied? Would there be a better function?

Code: [Select]
package consoleLogSaver
function destroyServer()
$ConsoleLogBackupName = "config/server/ConsoleLogs/console_" @ strReplace(getWord(getDateTime(), 0),"/","-") @ "_" @ strReplace(getWord(getDateTime(),1),":","-") @ ".log";
filecopy("console.log" , $ConsoleLogBackupName);

General Discussion / New Gamemode: Reaper (by NickPB & Tezuni)
« on: November 27, 2015, 10:21:31 PM »
You're camping in the forest at night. To survive, you must traverse the treacherously dark path, lit up only one segment at a time.
All around you, reapers circle your group, their prey. You think you see blurs darting between the foliage, but the towering trees blot out nearly all light out, you can't be sure. Moments later chains burst out from the darkness and your best friend has been pulled away into the void. Your only hope is making it through the path to the safety of the ranger's station.

Tentatively, there is about 1 reaper for every 7 campers. Reapers can shoot chains to grab their victims into the darkness. They must reap all the campers with their scythes to win.
Reapers are immune to darkness but burned by the blessed light. They are also slightly faster on their feet than campers.
Campers spawn with random melee weapons and must stay in the light. The darkness quickly burns them with hellfire. They are slow moving from years of drive-thru McDonalds.

This gamemode is currently in the finishing phase of development and will be open in the coming days. All bans and blacklists will be lifted. Any suggestions are welcome.

Help / gamemode endless add-on execution loop
« on: November 26, 2015, 10:29:00 PM »
Made a gamemode, thumbnail / preview image are blank in-game. Change to said gamemode and the add-ons start executing endlessly, starting with bricks, ending with weapons, repeat. Why?

Modification Help / [closed]
« on: November 21, 2015, 07:45:26 PM »
topic closed, sorry

So for example in my Slopes CTF server I have these mechs, which are actually just bot vehicle types.  When I leave the server, they can't be damaged or killed apparently.  Is there a quick fix to this?  Do I need to edit onDamage to check for bots or something? 

I just need help with the logic of what I should be doing to fix this.

Modification Help / Preventing enemy vehicle entry via PlayerData points
« on: October 10, 2015, 10:12:52 PM »
Slayer has a fancy vehicle check in it's minigameCanSlayerUse function to prevent people from entering enemy vehicles and driving around invincible.  
I assume it calls that function in WheeledVehicleData::onCollision like other lock mods for vehicles do.

The point players are entering from to circumvent this lock are PlayerData datablocks.  Can you use PlayerData::onCollision and duplicate the check there too?
Is that even a thing?  Or is there some other way?

Help / Server Could Not Verify Your Blockland ID
« on: September 08, 2015, 02:59:17 PM »
I recently switched to a wireless connection and get the error 'Server Could Not Verify Your Blockland ID' when attempting to join any blockland server.
However, it does work through a VPN connection.  So what kind of forgetery from my ISP is causing the problem and how can I fix it if at all?

General Discussion / GravityKart DEMO!
« on: August 30, 2015, 07:36:48 PM »
I was digging through some old blockland files and remembered a project I started at the end of 13'.... so here it is.  This is a speedkart edit that allows you to drive on surfaces upsidedown, sidways, etc..
Come experience the madness of GravityKart on the demo map Purple Planet!

Modification Help / Fixing the old vehicle gravity jeep function
« on: August 30, 2015, 03:18:25 PM »
A while back I made a functioning speedkart edit where they all had the gravity jeep ability to climb walls and ceilings.  I thought it'd be fun to demo that again today, but it seems to have broken over time.  They behave just like regular speedkarts now with no gravity affect. Anyone see how this could be fixed?

Code: [Select]
function shiftgravitycheck(%obj)

 %ray=containerraycast(%pos,vectoradd(%pos,vectorscale(%obj.getupvector(),"-4 -4 -4")),$GravityJeepTypemasks,%obj);

  %obj.grav=vectorscale(%normal,"-0.5 -0.5 -0.5");

 %obj.setvelocity(vectoradd(%obj.getvelocity(),vectoradd("0 0 0.5",%obj.grav)));

Modification Help / filecopy with getdatetime overwriting
« on: August 05, 2015, 09:05:36 PM »
I combined the RTB auto saver and the load method from speedkart to make a dedicated auto saver / loader.  It saves a backup, and copies that backup to make a timeline of them with time stamps.  However, copying the current backup keeps overwriting the same timestamped backup instead of generating another time stamped save file.

Code: [Select]
$TCRPG_backupFileName = "saves/autosaves/backup/backup_" @ strReplace(getWord(getDateTime(), 0),"/","-") @ "_" @ strReplace(getWord(getDateTime(),1),":","-") @ ".bls";

filecopy("saves/autosaves/autosave.bls" , $TCRPG_backupFileName);
(notice the time stamp vs the last modified date on the file)

Modification Help / onConnectRequest conflicting client mods
« on: August 01, 2015, 08:34:05 PM »
Code: [Select]
function GameConnection::onConnectRequest(%client, %ip, %lan, %net, %prefix, %suffix, %arg5, %rtb, %arg7, %gamemode, %arg9, %arg10, %arg11, %arg12, %arg13, %arg14, %arg15)

I use that function to check against a user's client component for my gamemode.  If they don't have the current version, they get rejected and served a popup with the download link.  It seems like other client mods which also use this function interfere.  People end up having to delete other client mods which use this function just so it will recognize they have my client mod downloaded.  Any way to fix this?

For example, if you wanted to run a check though all a player's bricks to see whether they have any 1x1x5 bricks planted?

For example, if you hit someone's 1x1x1 brick (or any of their bricks) and you want to check if they have any 1x1x5 bricks planted?

Edit: I was using the wrong function and didn't have a clear question written.  I want to do this with onCollision(%this, %obj, %col, %fade, %pos, %normal)

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