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Messages - Afraidanna

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 5 6 7 ... 114
Off Topic / Re: seriouse issue with the olympics
« on: August 08, 2016, 09:32:01 PM »
because all the richest countries in the world are in the northern hemisphere and australia is a friend

okay guys i'm gonna give a status report, how forgeted am i on a scale of 1 to 10

stuck on the moon
suddenly there's no oxygen, so if i connect i'm going to die
couldn't find any oxygen equipment
blast door to hangar is sealed because there's no oxygen there either

11 because queeba refuses to teleport anyone anywhere

Off Topic / blockland irl
« on: August 02, 2016, 11:48:12 PM »

I'll play this server when my vacation ends in a week

homophobic handicaps coming in 3...2...1...

the hype for this game has seriously died down.

here to blow up old soviet weaponry for allah or something
i know this isnt related to the thread, but I literally spit out my drink and fell out of my chair from laughing so hard

stop paying for 20 bucks a month internet.

forget where's mcjob
Probably waiting for his Australian internet to get his post to go through

Off Topic / Re: Annoying Orange doing an AMA on /r/The_Donald
« on: July 27, 2016, 10:04:43 PM »
liberal censorship l0l
I dont like Annoying Orange, but censoring his AMA is downright handicapped

why do people keep trying to use blockland glass? its literally worthless. only 1% of all addons are uploaded there

Off Topic / Re: Marina Joyce situation
« on: July 27, 2016, 08:14:30 PM »
Marina Joyce admitted it was just a publicity stunt by her fans. Its not real.

Why would you even make a minecraft server and not have a server host

Off Topic / Re: What's the worst website you've ever seen
« on: July 25, 2016, 11:47:08 PM »

I have about 30 hours on this game, and people keep calling me a smurf when i tell them. I guess my tf2 skill kinda transferred.

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