Author Topic: Change one word of the sentence V25  (Read 3299 times)

You all know how this works, we start with a sentence and end up with Shakespeare.

The fridge
we are all prisoners here
of our own device
Mysteriously turns into
mondays mondays mondays mondays mondays mondays mondays mondays mondays

This is peak Blockland Foruming.

Our next project is
There were white out conditions in the town; subsequently, the roads were impassable
what could possibly go wrong?
« Last Edit: May 31, 2018, 06:01:59 PM by Black and White »

we are all mondays here of our own device

We are all mondays here of our own calender.

We are all monday here of our own calender.

We are all gay of our own "calender."

We are all gay of our own "calender."
you changed two words stuffass

We are all love of our own calender.

golduh are all love of our own calender

golduh are love of our own calender

you can't just drop a word *sigh*

Gj guys it's not quite Hamlet but it's... something

monday are love of our own calender

mondays are love of our own mondays

mondays are love of our 2 own mondays

mondays are mondays of our 2 own mondays

mondays mondays mondays of our 2 own mondays

mondays mondays mondays of our 2 own mondays love