Author Topic: Rowboat Guy  (Read 3494 times)

Rowboat Guy
While playing as this no-jet playertype you are able to rightclick while in the water to spawn a rowboat. You will automatically be put into the boat and it is deleted when you eject.
By default whatever paint color you have selected will be the color of the boat.

There are prefs for the following:
Spawning boat cooldown (Default 5 seconds)
Chat cooldown notification (Default on)
Custom boat color (Default on)

Suggested by Skill4Life.

Neat! Should be very useful for pirate battles and RPGs.

was kind of hoping for an upright rowboat model playertype but i guess this is good

but where does the rowboat go when it isnt out :O

how about a version where the color is based on the color of your chest

but where does the rowboat go when it isnt out :O
he folds it up and puts it in his pocket

but where does the rowboat go when it isnt out :O
plot twist: he IS the rowboat

he folds it up and puts it in his pocket
And no, he's just happy to see you.

do the rowboats come with rocket launchers