Author Topic: Post real life pictures of yourself.  (Read 8796296 times)

bones looks like a cartoon character and his girlfriend looks like a teenager
assuming that's his girlfriend

When did JD become a Satanist

well from what I'm told the catholic church considers anybody to not believe in god, and in place believe in one's self and being a good person, is apparently 'satanism.' so, I guess since my whole life, lolol

well from what I'm told the catholic church considers anybody to not believe in god, and in place believe in one's self and being a good person, is apparently 'satanism.' so, I guess since my whole life, lolol
you make it sound like it's nothing

perhaps you should look some stuff up about satanism

you make it sound like it's nothing

perhaps you should look some stuff up about satanism

The most popular form of Satanism is basically what most people actually live by. They just believe humans are gods and humans are free to protect who they love and indulge in pleasure without guilt and to not feel bad about pursuing your own goals even if it gets in the way of others. Most people live by the Satanist code really.

forget off.

What? Sorry, I just knew where it was from and had to say it... Some weird anime about boob ninjas.

Which clearly shows you have not the slightest clue what you're talking about... lmfao

you make it sound like it's nothing

perhaps you should look some stuff up about satanism
Christians and extremely-religious people disgust me, simply because part of most religion is converting others to your religion. You make it sound like it's something bad. What's wrong with you?

Christians and extremely-religious people disgust me, simply because part of most religion is converting others to your religion. You make it sound like it's something bad. What's wrong with you?
Being religious has nothing to do with converting others to said religion, you can't say every Christian tries to convert every Atheist/other religious people, some do but don't put everyone in the same group. It's like saying every non-religious person tries to make anyone who is religious give it up, which is very untrue.

you make it sound like it's nothing

perhaps you should look some stuff up about satanism

Here's a little thing I just happened to write about Satanism a sort of while ago, for those interested.

Satanism is devil worship!
     Satanism is not, "devil worship." Devil worship is devil worship, Satanism is Satanism. Devil worshiping is typically what angsty teenagers like to do because screw mom and dad and screw the system! Darkness darkness death death let's spray paint some graves blah blah blah. It's immature, it's degrading and it's stupid.
Oh yeah? Well what is it then?!
     There are different forms of Satanism, such as Luciferianism [depending on who you ask], Theistic Satanism, LaVeyan Satanism, etc. Each form is different in its interpretation of the afterlife, deities, magic, and what-have-you.
But it's called Satanism! What's up with that?
     To non-theists, Satan is only a representative figure. Satan represents indulgence, man as an animal, knowledge and so forth. According to mythology, Satan is God's primary opposition- Satan represents the opposite of what God represents; man as an animal. This is why Satanism is called Satanism.
How about that pentagram with the goat head in it? It's evil!
     No it's not. Baphomet is a pagan deity represented as a half-goat, half-human figure. The origin of Baphomet is unclear, but the name itself is believed to be derived from the Greek words, "baphe" and, "metis" meaning, "Absorption of knowledge." While others believe it is a corruption of the name, "Muhammad." The first image of Baphomet's head contained within an inverted pentagram appears within an 1897 book titled La Clef de la Magie Noire by Stanislas de Guaita. A Tarot image of the Devil in the Rider-Waite design was derived from Lévi's Baphomet, which connected Satan to Baphomet and thus lead to its eventual adoption by Satanism.
How about that dreadfully disrespectful inverted cross? It's a Catholic symbol for crying out loud!
     Ok ok ok, I have to admit you caught us napping on this one. The inverted cross is actually the Cross of St. Peter, a Catholic tradition that says that Simon Peter was crucified upside down. The story is derived from a fragmented text titled, "Martyrdom of Peter" However, the modern interpretation of the inverted cross is that it's the opposite of Christianity, as it's an inversion of the primary Christian symbol. Many a Satanist and Christian sees it as a mockery but I see it just as it's supposed to be seen; the opposition of Christianity.
Well then if you're not a bunch of devil worshiping freaks, what are you?
     We're normal, every day people. We eat and breathe and walk and talk just like everyone else. We don't need any image or fashion to define who we are. (I'm looking at you, angsty teenagers) We're just ordinary people with our own beliefs and morals and we're proud of who we are.
What are your beliefs and morals?
     Well I can't speak for every Satanist, but generally we believe in working hard for what we want and what we want to keep. We don't have a God to rely on or praise or get angry with or obey, we worship ourselves and what we're capable of. We don't have a Devil to blame for the wrongness in the world or the wrongness in our hearts. When we create success, we pat ourselves on the backs and feel good. When we screw up, we look at what went wrong and then go about making sure it doesn't happen again. We don't waste our love and care on those who don't deserve it- I'm not saying we run around kicking old ladies in the face- I'm saying we let be what will be, and in the words of Anton LaVey, "Hate your enemies with your whole heart, and if a man smite you on one cheek, smash him on the other! Smite him hip and thigh, for self preservation is the highest law! - He who turns the other cheek is a cowardly dog. Thus shall you make yourself respected in all walks of life, and your spirit - your immortal spirit shall live, not in an intangible paradise, but in the brains and sinews of those whose respect you have gained." We indulge in things that make us happy and make the best out of life.

But even for non-religious people Satan is know to be a symbol of pure evil, so is saying that you live by the same code-thing not making you bad?