Author Topic: A Journey Through Verification: The Seas of Autism  (Read 956 times)

Hello. I'm Unova/Verification/Brine/Dr. Fetus/Whatever the forget You Want To Call Me. This thread is going to be an autopsy of my older account, Verification.

Some questions you might have:
Second hand embarrassment hit me as soon as I opened the posts on this account. I never really was too self aware and i'm still not, but DAMN I realize how much of a petulant handicap I was.

Why are you reflecting?
Just to do it, I guess.

lol unova
I guess?
~~The Start~~
CaravanGaming is going to be a huge part of this. They were one of my first non-queeba discords and contribute to some of my insecurity due to some of the staff and users there being bullies and toying with then 12 year old me. The weirdest thing I remember about this is me being confused for Weathernerd, as this was before my kind of handicapation phase where I spouted the N word like I was going to die if I didn't refresh the monday clock every time I used discord. But I was still dumb. As hell.

Some drama for reference:
(nonnel pisses himself here)

Nix cloning
I kind of considered Nix a close friend at the time? Nix was my only anchor from being another Betelgeuse due to my extreme immaturity for a while, even though we were always on kind of loose terms in reflection. This caused me to do dumb stuff such as posting my own drawings as reaction images, which annoyed a hell of a lot of people. And to be honest, I didn't know what was wrong.
(fat warning)
this post and the context within it makes me cringe uncontrollably. like, my face contorts when I think of what I did here. I don't know why I did this.

Unfunny stuffposts & Discords

Hooooly stuff. My urge to gain friends in this community was insane. I had no one to really talk to at the time, as the world's most mercurial and drama-seeking 12 year old, and my way of doing this was through Discord. I can't even remember the ones I made now, all I know is they all failed due to being in a wave of similar discords from people who were probably also 12. Another thing was my stuffposts. Notsobot was extremely prevalent at the time, and one of my ways of making these funny and relatable stuffposts was using the magik and waaw commands.
Discords (Guerilla advertising was my specialty):

Denial of being a Furry
Not a lot of these posts need links. They're self explanatory. I don't know why I felt shame for reaching my grubby hands into every god damn community this game has, but I did. Part of my "Furphobia" as I like to call it was because of Grimlock's incessant rambling over it, and I tried to get on his good side about it. This lead to a great many dramas, me being kicked out of communities and my Bacteria-like replication of lesser liked Nigerian Cunts members. People who were prevalent in CaravanGaming and Nigerian Cunts at the time may remember such wonderful statements as AIDS RIDDEN monday richard and my liberal use of the word Jew.
Here are some posts in the furry megathread. Most of them are unrelated, the later ones may include drama. (this one is from an actual furry research comic)
~~The Meat~~

For some reason, I had an absolute obsession with dark themes. Today I use Light Theme visual studio, but that's kind of irrelevant. Me and MM, the "Theme Thucks" as I like to refer to it, but I made a new one like every week. Blockland Forums was my way of wasting time, you see. CSS was a good thing for me, though, as it led into me learning actual programming languages and becoming a more productive person.
Almost all of these themes consisted of going into inspect element, changing some base colors to black and calling it a day. Many of them were broken on the search page or on elements which I couldn't reach just with the inspector.


Weird Posts

++Wrong Alt++

Things get a bit fuzzy around here. I'm not posting literally every day anymore, and my post history is too long, expansive, and full of junk to scroll through and give more specific examples.
Furry Denial Part 2: Electric Boogaloo
My extreme toxicity towards furries was astounding. Like, I don't even know why I had a hatred towards them this bad. My avatars over the years have always been tumblr-esque stuff ranging from furries to OC's that weren't mine. I think the main issue is because Pie Crust tried to say that I was one a long time ago, while spamming research in my discord in a muted channel, but that's pretty unrelated.

Record holding drama
This drama was astoundingly large for this period in BLF's history. It was based around a single person's antics.

The End
I went out the way I always was. Flaming.

--People i'd like to mention--
Thanks Lord Tony, Celau, all of the CVG staff, Geben and Cubone for holding me up during a time where my parents desired to disown me, Grimlock, Ravencroft and Insert Name Here. You've all taught me valuable lessons on who and who not to trust and look up to, and some of you even taught me that I shouldn't judge a book by it's contents if I haven't gotten to the end yet.

you’re still a narcissist

you’re still a narcissist
True, that's why I made the post

glad you owned up to your mistakes, unova. good on you

nice to see you're this self reflective

lol do you expect us to buy this

lol do you expect us to buy this
hes kind of not acted this way in years (here, at least) so imo its more buyable than "hes never changed"

i mean with our dwindling userbase I'm glad someone atleast had the dedication to post something slightly meaningful

just curious but what does the name "unova" mean?

just curious but what does the name "unova" mean?
Unova is a region in the Pokemon series

just curious but what does the name "unova" mean?
My favorite pokemon generation was Generation Five, my favorite pokemon was Chadelure. At the time of signing up I was playing it non-stop, so the name choices I thought up were either HarmoniusGropius (ech) or Unova, the name of the gen 5 pokemon region. This is all I can remember about it.