Author Topic: Certified EMT  (Read 1681 times)

My EMT classes ended today and after extensive testing I am now a certified Emergency Medical Technician! It took so much work but it finally paid off and I'm one step closer to doing what I love.

5 months, 3 days a week, hours of hands on practice and lecture, clinical hospital time, 40+ online quizzes, 180+ hours of combined classroom time, and 4 huge tests later. It all paid off

I have a microsoft certification in excel
so there's that


Hope you help a lot of people.

So you will go out in ambulances and stuff?

Thanks so much guys!

So you will go out in ambulances and stuff?
Yeah. I actually already do that. I run as a volunteer for a company so I go on calls with them. But I was never certified. With the cert I can start doing more in the ambulance and start getting paid for it.

It also looks good for fire companies.

very proud of you Destroyer, congrats!

Neato but isn't this going to cut into video game and harassing people on the internet time? You might want to reconsider your career choices.

Im just worried hes going to find out one of the people in the ambulance is actually a forumer he hates, and then he pushes them out the back.

congrats bro!

please tell me, isn't the tensor fasciae latae the best muscle to say out loud?

oh no I've had a heart attack

i need a big strong destroyer to come rescue me~

ill make sure if i ever need an EMT, ill be near you <3