Author Topic: Haunted Mansion Mystery  (Read 3071 times)

For those who missed it in previous years or were not able to solve the mystery, the haunted mansion is back for another Halloween

Built in the early 1900's by John Brickbower this house would seem like a dream come true for most folks. Not for the Brickbowers'. John and Ellen Brickbower were a young rich couple in love, and John wanted nothing more than to show his deep affection for his wife by building an entire mansion dedicated to her. So he did just that. Unfortunately this house...or the very ground it sat on seemed to be cursed....

The Haunted Mystery Mansion is a horror-puzzle challenge in which you must solve various clues to escape. Each player gets 13 minutes inside of the mansion. If you do not escape within the time limit, the house eats you alive (you die). Players are to line up at the front gate of the mansion and wait their turn. You may have as many run throughs as you want, just be sure to return to the back of the line after your turn is over.

The server will be hosted at various times throughout the month of October, time frame is random.
This year there have been a few changes and additions to the mansion to keep things interesting



« Last Edit: October 29, 2020, 07:58:16 AM by Goth77 »

haven't spawned yet but i can tell its epic

yo this the gamemode where people literally stand in a straight line outside and wait to play the game for 2 hours only to make no progress and get sent back?

yo this the gamemode where people literally stand in a straight line outside and wait to play the game for 2 hours only to make no progress and get sent back?
each run is limited to 13 minutes, so it really depends on how many players there are and your position in line

Just waited in line for 2 hours, definitely would not recommend

Just took a sh*t and lost my place in line Wtf??

why not just have several mansions or allow people to spectate

no offense but what kind of blockland server has a line.....

I'm selling second hand Gothboy Fast Passes PM me for info

I'm selling second hand Gothboy Fast Passes PM me for info
Sorry, have to break to get a Mr Pibb. Can I meet you after

Sorry, have to break to get a Mr Pibb. Can I meet you after
I can get you one too but if you dont want Pibb they also have Coke and Fanta (Orange Flavor)

Gonna go grab a bite to eat can someone keep my place in line?

Tried to enter the waiting line and got socked in the gut by the guy behind me, who then took my place in line