Author Topic: Holiday Themes  (Read 2452 times)

Different themes for when at/near a holiday.




etc etc
Would this be cool?

/support if so.

It would a be a great idea.

I think it would need more than just different colors for special holidays.

I like the idea though. I support this.

no thank you. especially not that christmas one, it looks like it would be a watermelon forum
I quite like it how it is, and if you want to change it you can always install or make themes for it

Christmas one should be alternating red and white instead of blue and white, but other than that, you have my support.


Makes the forums feel more like a home :)

Would be nice.
But not those color themes, a better approach could be done instead.

Even just a holiday theme logo every year, that would be nice.

I support this, it would make users feel a lot more comfortable.

If you have chrome you can install stylish

There's people that made themes for BL forum on there

/support Would be nice to have some new themes.