Author Topic: [NEWS] america kills iranian general (ww3 probably just started)  (Read 6677 times)

war gotta wait until bobby get out of jail
see me at the front line when i get Bobby wit that tool

Aw stuff well this isn't good

patrolling the mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter

i mean, not ww3, just another endless war so that the us can sink billions of dollars into Raytheon's pockets

You people are vastly overestimating the amount of stuffs given

Iran cannot possibly mount a proper military response and we have no reason to deploy any more troops when we can just keep slinging missiles instead

Russia and China will not interfere as Iran has nothing to offer them

All idle threats

Meaningless bullstuff, typical middle eastern affair, this is not news

we have no reason to deploy any more troops

tell that to the 3000 troops just deployed
Russia and China will not interfere as Iran has nothing to offer them
i never said this

Reinforcements to make sure another US embassy or base isn't attacked in retaliation =/= war

I don't get the desperate attempts to spread doom and gloom y'all need to relax

Reinforcements to make sure another US embassy or base isn't attacked in retaliation =/= war

I don't get the desperate attempts to spread doom and gloom y'all need to relax
>kill no one and overtake an embassy and graffiti the place
>drones strike one of the biggest generals in the middle east and send 3000 troops

how is that an adequate retaliation? the people of iran/iraq clearly dont want the usa there yet we keep insisting to send more of our people to die in this handicapped game of "how much money can i give blackwater and raytheon to keep fighting?".

the current secretary of defense is Mark Esper, he was the top lobbyist for the interests of Raytheon before Annoying Orange put him in power. All this is for is basically dishing out corporate welfare checks to the biggest military contractors in the country. If you can't see that these companies are literally just siphoning funds from the federal government coffers, then I don't know what to tell you.

Your first arrow point is so ridiculously off the mark I've no further interest in having this back and forth
If you honestly think that they were only going to "overthrow" the embassy and graffiti the place then, well, god help you, and your gentle soul

Your first arrow point is so ridiculously off the mark I've no further interest in having this back and forth
If you honestly think that they were only going to "overthrow" the embassy and graffiti the place then, well, god help you, and your gentle soul
alright then, what did they do? they didn't kill anyone, literally all they did was loving trash the place and that's it. what else would they do?

on top of that, they did it in retaliation of a dronestrike which killed 25 people and injured 55, we literally instigated this

if you seriously believe we have any justification for being in the middle east at all, remember that nancy pelosi is on record saying she knew that bush lied about the WMDs and still let Bush declare a war on Iraq
« Last Edit: January 04, 2020, 05:39:23 PM by Aide33 »

political arguments on dead block game lmaoaooooo

political arguments on dead block game lmaoaooooo
says the loser named News