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Topics - Demian

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Gallery / Demian's Egypt
« on: March 09, 2013, 05:26:40 AM »
I've been working on this for quite a while now. I originally intended it to be the first and last level in a Tombland campaign but that went underground. Pass' Crypt inspired me to pick it up again. It's still heavily WIP and I don't expect it to be finished any time soin. Right now I'm just making the big elements of the area. I'm going to add two more houses and maybe two miscellaneous buildings before I begin work on the village.

It's based on real photos of real Egyptian ruins but I've used some artistic touch and it has to work in Blockland too.

My playertype animations are messed up. My playertype is a very simple model with 3 main (torso, hips, (one) foot) bones in the body and 4 arm (L/R arm, L/R forearm) bones.

Usually when you are "idlind" ie. just standing still and not doing anything the "root" animation should be playing. Except in my case the very first frame of the "activate" animation is playing at the same time as the root animation and it never goes away regardless of what I do.

My "crouch" animation animates the torso, hips, and foot bones, 2 arm bones and it has a priority of 6.
"crouchRun" animation animates the  torso, hips, and foot bones and has priority 7.
"headside" animation (priority 13) animates the torso and hips.

If I have this animation defined in the script (as opposed to making that animation the "root" animation) the "crouchrun" animation does not play. Note that simply defining this animation breaks the crouchrun animation. I am not using the free look while crouching and moving.

Fixed. Priority issue.

Modification Help / AddDamageType syntax?
« on: March 05, 2013, 07:23:35 AM »
What do all the values do in AddDamageType? Here's the default gun's damage:
Code: [Select]
AddDamageType("Gun",   '<bitmap:add-ons/Weapon_Gun/CI_gun> %1',    '%2 <bitmap:add-ons/Weapon_Gun/CI_gun> %1',0.2,1);

Modification Help / Change images states with a function
« on: February 25, 2013, 06:09:31 AM »
I searched far and wide but I haven't found a setState command or anything that resembles it. Is there really no way to change image states using a function?

Modification Help / Detect when the client is pressing the jet key
« on: February 21, 2013, 11:51:49 AM »
I need it for this:

I need a piece of code that detects when the client presses the jet key. I would also appreciate if the code checked if there is a specified image mounted to $BackSlot before doing anything. Can this be done without schedules? Looking at the VCE script (there is a "jetting" variable replacer) it uses the following code but I don't understand it enough to customize it.
Code: [Select]
function Armor::onTrigger(%db,%player,%slot,%val)
case 4:
%player.vceJetting = %val;
return Parent::onTrigger(%db,%player,%slot,%val);
I only need this to attach the jet emitter to the jetpack image. The actual jetting is done with a custom playertype. Once I get this working I will be posting a new thread about that.

Game Modes / Default Add-Ons
« on: February 19, 2013, 07:14:47 AM »
Just for conveniency and an easy way to add default add-ons to your own gamemode, just copypaste the add-ons from the gamemode.txt. Great for quickly starting a game with the defaults for taking screenshots or something like that.

Off Topic / What is your favorite audio player?
« on: February 18, 2013, 06:32:23 AM »
I've been using Winamp ever since I first owned a computer. Over the years I've had more and more problems with it and I think it's time to try something new. What are your favorite players?

Modification Help / Playertype animations not playing (Blender)
« on: February 17, 2013, 03:02:31 PM »
Here we go again. They aren't working.

Here are my animations:
root: 2 frames with all bones
run: a dozen frames with just the necessary bones animated
death1: a dozen frames with all bones

root export cyclic Dsq 0
run export cyclic Dsq 1
death1 export cyclic Dsq 2
FPS is locked to 25 by default, no blends, automatically created from actions.

The death animation does not play on Self Delete, instead the run animations keeps playing. The animations are correct in Blender and the script is correct.

Suggestions & Requests / Does anyone own Ultimate Unwrap 3D?
« on: February 04, 2013, 06:29:33 AM »
You can import/export DTS and DSQ models+animations with it but the full version costs $50. Pro and SE versions both work for Torque exporting.

Anyone want to work with me for the betterment of the community and export every Blockland model and animation as a resource for modders? I could put together different types of resource kits for modelers, animators, movie makers, etc. but I can't do it without that program and I am not willing to invest $50 into this project especially when the exporting is a quite straightforward procedure.

Suggestions & Requests / FPS limiter
« on: February 02, 2013, 12:43:19 PM »
I've noticed on several occasions when I'm getting over 500 FPS (According to metrics(fps);) the game actual starts to lag behind and it has a similar effect as low (~15) FPS. A simple FPS limiter wouldn't be too hard to code right?

Modification Help / Animations not working in 1st person
« on: January 30, 2013, 03:26:50 PM »
Yes there is a lame fix to this by changing the eyeOffset to 0 0 0 but that brings along other visual problems like the item moving up on the screen as you look down.

Why exactly do the animations (eg. default armAttack) do not play in the first person viewpoint? How do you fix this? It's DTS exporting/modeling related, the script has no anomalies.

General Discussion / Demian's Soccer - Over and out
« on: January 28, 2013, 08:14:10 AM »
I will host a server on February 2nd at
20:00 GMT+2/UTC+2
13:00 EDT/EST
11:00 MDT/MST
10:00 PST/PDT
8 PM GMT+2/UTC+2

Let's see if we can some people on this time.

6 people. Will not host again.

Might be a one time thing depending on how often the ball disappears. I will be hosting a max 11vs11 soccer match 3 hours and 30 minutes from this post. Some evented stuff, but relies heavily on fair sportsmanship in that you don't steal the ball when the goalie is supposed to kick the ball and such. Votekick is enabled for these situations and repeat offenders will be banned for a day or two. The field is built according to real soccer pitch regulations.

Basic rules
Use common sense
When the ball goes out of bounds, follow on-screen instructions
When you make a goal, follow on-screen instructions
When you make an own goal, follow on-screen instructions
Do not break on-screen instructions
    When the center print says a goalie is to kick the ball into play from the penalty point, do not harass the goalie or swarm around the ball. Give him some space to make the kick.
    When the center print says a specified team member is to kick the ball into play from one of the corners, do not harass the player or swarm around the ball. Give him some space to make the kick.
    Do not abuse the fact that when you make an own goal the ball is spawned at the center. Making an own goal repeatedly is seen as an attempt to exploit the system and will lead to a ban.
Admins may spawn a new ball into play by clicking any of the corners, penalty points, or the center but only if the game ball has for some reason disappeared.
Please note that there is a roof, kicking the ball too high counts as out of bounds.

Gallery / Apartment Building [WIP]
« on: January 25, 2013, 05:15:27 PM »
This build just kind of happened. I made a new colorset and wanted to try it out and boom - apartment building lobby+public areas out of nowhere. More to come later. The plan is to release the save when the building is done then maybe host some sort of furnituring community collaboration to fill up the rooms.

I just noticed I forgot to make one room.

Suggestions & Requests / VCE: lastProjectile check for projectile owner
« on: January 21, 2013, 10:12:58 AM »
I'm trying to do soccer and I would like to distinguish own goals from opponent made goals. Is there a way to check who fired a projectile?

Suggestions & Requests / Destroy bricks with the same color
« on: January 21, 2013, 09:03:23 AM »
Several times now I've come across a situation where I would have needed to destroy all the bricks adjacent to each other that have the same color. Essentially a Fillcan except it destroys the bricks. An additional functionality could be switching between hammer and wand modes.

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