Author Topic: My thoughts on current Blockland  (Read 1784 times)

      Hello everyone, this isn't a rant, just me giving my current feelings on Blockland. So where do we begin? Well, as of now, I'm felling kinda nostalgic and melancholy. See, I'm fairly new to the forums but not to the game, and I kinda wish I hadn't known the forums existed. And no its not because of the "cancerous community" or whatever, it's just that seeing the profiles of Mocheeze, Thorfin, etc and seeing all these outdated posts that had hope that they would return depresses me. To me, Blockland is dying. I know you're probably like "we've heard this a thousand times already" or whatever, it's just that we don't seem to be getting much updates for the game anymore. It's almost as if the developers are tired of Blockland, which doesn't surprise me. Blockand is an old game, and I get why they're tired. Im not yelling at Badspot or Rotondo or whoever to get their ass up and update it, I'm just saying that if they're tired of developing Blockland, than why don't they find new people to do it? I mean there are tons of experienced coders on the forums. Viso, Greek2Me, etc. I think at least one of them would be willing to work on Blockland more. I remember when I was younger playing on maps. It was so much fun, with all those secrets on Kitchen and Bedroom. That showed me that the developers cared for Blockland. When I found out about addons and how easy it is to install and make, again, that showed me that the devs care. Even when they removed maps it shows that they care, because they we're trying something new. But not anymore. I don't really know what it is, but I feel really depressed about the current state of Blockland. Thanks for reading this, sorry if its too long.

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« Last Edit: August 19, 2016, 06:27:02 PM by Badspot »

blockland dies again

      I remember when I was younger playing on maps. It was so much fun, with all those secrets on Kitchen and Bedroom. That showed me that the developers cared for Blockland. When I found out about addons and how easy it is to install and make, again, that showed me that the devs care. Even when they removed maps it shows that they care, because they we're trying something new. But not anymore.

I mean, show some thanks. Badspot has stuck with BL for over a decade despite frequent attacks from malicious asses and constant complaints from children. In that decade he gave us events, new bricks, shaders, etc. What more is there to add besides a few new bricks or tools we want to see default? All things end, the fact that this digital lego game thrived for more or less a decade is impressive, and I don't know about you but I've gotten well over 3000 hours of gameplay out of it. There are still active clans and servers making new content. There are still fun add-ons being made. It would be cool if Badspot kept adding stuff but it's a sandbox game, it's not like there's much left to add.

Obviously BL is not at the same level it was five years ago but every time I see people complaining about how it's dead, I shake my head. We can build whatever we want, in fact our ability to build has only been improved in recent years with the new dup, cool bricks, and amazing new environments. To me it's far from dead, it's just aging like any other game does, though far better than most.

What more is there to add besides a few new bricks or tools we want to see default?
More stuff to play with in Torkscript (such as disable jumping/jetting on playertypes without the need of datablocks (since we have custom movement, why not add jumping/mass/etc.?)), possibly fix most of the bugs that people have pointed out many times

I mean, show some thanks. Badspot has stuck with BL for over a decade despite frequent attacks from malicious asses and constant complaints from children. In that decade he gave us events, new bricks, shaders, etc. What more is there to add besides a few new bricks or tools we want to see default? All things end, the fact that this digital lego game thrived for more or less a decade is impressive, and I don't know about you but I've gotten well over 3000 hours of gameplay out of it. There are still active clans and servers making new content. There are still fun add-ons being made. It would be cool if Badspot kept adding stuff but it's a sandbox game, it's not like there's much left to add.

Obviously BL is not at the same level it was five years ago but every time I see people complaining about how it's dead, I shake my head. We can build whatever we want, in fact our ability to build has only been improved in recent years with the new dup, cool bricks, and amazing new environments. To me it's far from dead, it's just aging like any other game does, though far better than most.

Yeah, I'm super thankful to the fact the Badspot even made Blockland. I don't know if its just me dreaming out loud but would it be possible to add some form of in-game "Map Editor" where you can place static shapes or whatever to make maps, but they would act as regular saves? Also it would be nice if someone came out with a mod-creator tool that's super easy to use.