Author Topic: Sniper Cheating  (Read 4611 times)

I really don't know where to put this but:

A guy name Fireball, manged to exploit the sniper delay, thus making it a machine gun. Just wondering if Kaje(?) can fix it?


I know if you switch weapons back real quick you can fire mush faster...

but a machine gun? o_O

P.S. I hope you don't mean in his own server because I know you're smarter than that ;)

He probably made a script that switches weapons really quickly and fires, either that or has quick fingers, simple way to fix this is to add a delay  on equipping the item when you select it. Kaje will probably fix it quick once he sees this, or gets word of it.

Yeah, you  can switch weapons back and forth instead of reloading. That can be much faster than waiting for the reload. Perhaps it's possible he has the uber-micro.

... I can only get off 3-4 shots a second. Lol @ delay exploiting and getting 90 something kills in 10 minutes.

I modified my hat; it's really stylish.

... I can only get off 3-4 shots a second. Lol @ delay exploiting and getting 90 something kills in 10 minutes.

Omfg, freaking caps lock now STAY off.
*whacks keyboard*
Beck on topic: 4-3 compared to what, 1 every 5 seconds? That is a difference.

nowhere near as fast as a machine gun XD


  • Administrator
You need to set the minShotTime field in the weapon image datablock.  See the rocket launcher for an example.


  • Guest
You could write a script that fires the weapon, swiches, swiches back, and repeats, but im gonna leave it to someone else to do it and ruin deathmatches in an entire game.

That's what he did....
I attmepted it but I couldn't get it to change the weapon then change it back.

funtion SniperCheat(%val)

That should be ultimate haxx for Sniper, it makes you disappear o.O


funtion SniperCheat(%val)

That should be ultimate haxx for Sniper, it makes you disappear o.O



  • Administrator
You could write a script that fires the weapon, swiches, swiches back, and repeats, but im gonna leave it to someone else to do it and ruin deathmatches in an entire game.

or, people could read my post and learn how to make weapons correctly.