Author Topic: How do you get off of offline mode!?  (Read 2607 times)

I cant go anywhere online...How do I get off of ofline mode!?

Start Server, then tick Single Player then choose a map and/or add-ons then hit Launch.

I cant go anywhere online...How do I get off of ofline mode!?
Umm ಠ_ಠ
Your connection might be down?

For some reason, your computer cannot connect to the Blockland server to identify your key, but you do appear to have a valid one. (Correct format due to error checks, otherwise you'd get Demo Mode)

Try checking your firewall settings for applications. Make sure Blockland is allowed to connect to the internet.

As Space Guy said; your key is valid, but it cannot connect to the Blockland Master Server.
Try checking your firewall settings for applications. Make sure Blockland is allowed to connect to the internet.

Either A: You aren't connected to the internet (Please slap yourself if you aren't.)
B: Blockland for some reason cannot authenticate or verify your DNS in order to authenticate with the Master Server, because of this it thinks that you aren't connected to the internet and goes in offline mode.

Same thing happened to me earlier today and to many others. But it seems to be fine now.

As Space Guy said; your key is valid, but it cannot connect to the Blockland Master Server.

So helpful! Space Guy's post wasn't that long that it needed a summary.

Either A: You aren't connected to the internet (Please slap yourself if you aren't.)
B: Blockland for some reason cannot authenticate or verify your DNS in order to authenticate with the Master Server, because of this it thinks that you aren't connected to the internet and goes in offline mode.

Try not to use technical words, it makes you look very stupid.