Author Topic: [Weapon Pack] SWeps v1.3 (Upcoming updates post on page 16)  (Read 64140 times)

Version 1.3

Arekan gave me some sounds I love you so much thank you babe
The rest of the sounds were probably ripped by me from fallout 4

It's finally here

8 Firearms
3 Melee Weapons
About 120 sounds
Like 40 models
Ammo system
Animation on all firearms
Blood effects
So much love and care
Custom icons + CI
Lots of polish
Variable damage system
Ammo Dropping

Firearms have damage modifiers
1.35x damage for headshot
1.1x damage for upper body shots
1x damage for lower body shots
0.8x damage for leg shots

Shotguns and flare gun do not have these damage modifiers, and instead deal flat damage
Revolver and Sniper have extreme headshot bonuses that will blow peoples heads off in a gory explosion and insta kill

Melee weapons instead have a damage modifier based on range when hitting people, but its a very slight modifier

(Top from left to right) Medium Rounds, .357 Rounds, .308 Rounds
(Bottom from left to right) Shotgun Shells, Heavy Rounds, Small Rounds

Type /dropAmmo or /ammo to bring up an ammo inventory then use your drop tool key will allow you to chuck ammo out

Prefs or options or whatever
$Pref::Swol_NoAmmo          Makes it so guns don't need to reload and have bottomless ammo
$Pref::Swol_ReserveAmmo     Makes it so you do not have bottomless reserve ammo and must pickup ammo for more reloads
$Pref::SwolAmmo_MaxAmmo["ammonamehere"]                 Sets the max ammo of an ammo type
$Pref::SwolAmmo_SpawnAmmo["ammonamehere"]                 Sets how much ammo you spawn with for an ammo type
$Pref::Swol_SAmmo_ScopeZoomWhen scoping makes it so sniper zooms you in a bit
$Pref::Swol_SWepsBloodUse weapon blood effects?
Examples of what to put in console:
$Pref::Swol_ReserveAmmo = 1;
$Pref::SwolAmmo_MaxAmmo["308"] = 5;
$Pref::SwolAmmo_SpawnAmmo["9mm"] = 50;

Ammotype names for variables

Also sniper has additional things like lens flares at long ranges if you have selectiveGhosting.dll injected into blockland

The classic, don't go out into the wasteland without it

12 shot mag, 20 damage per shot, medium fire rate
Small Rounds

A box that spits out bullets

Accuarcy decreases slightly with continual fire
36 shot mag, 14 damage per shot, highest rate of fire
Small Rounds

A handheld tank (made of glass), high risk reward

Bullets blow peoples heads off for instant kill
6 shots, 35 damage per shot (insta kill headshot), low fire rate, instakill headshots
.357 Rounds

DB Shotgun
A hunter's left arm

Does not get damage bonus based on body part hits, only good at close range
holds 2 shells at a time, 12 damage per bullet, 30 shots per trigger pull, super wide cone
Shotgun Shells

Combat Shotgun     
Home invaders beware

Does not get damage bonus based on body part hits, good at close-mid range
holds up to 8 shells at a time, 14 damage per bullet, 14 shots per trigger pull, medium cone
Shotgun Shells

Assault Rifle     
<insert columbine meme>

Accuarcy decreases slightly with continual fire
20 shot mag, 25 damage per shot, high rate of fire
Medium Rounds

The fatherforgeter of all conventional firearms

Accuarcy decreases with continual fire, very loud and spooky
75 shot mag, 40 damage per shot, medium - high rate of fire
Heavy Rounds

An assassin's hands know nothing better

Right click to scope, bullets will blow heads off for insta kill
Bullets make a loud thunderous crack that can be heard from very far away, bullets also making whizzing noises when shot past people
5 shot clip, 50 damage per shot (insta kill headshot), very low rate of fire
.308 Rounds

Baseball Bat

40 damage per hit, good swing recovery, medium knockback

Now this is a knife

100 damage per hit, very poor swing recovery, no knockback

Tire Iron
We can do this the easy way or the hard way

55 damage per hit, average swing recovery, high knockback



Extension Add-Ons
[SWep Mod] Silenced Pistol
[SWep Mod] Flare Gun
[SWep Mod] AK47
[SWep Mod] Grenade Launcher

Thanks to arekan for spectacular sound design+ripping on many of the weapons
and thanks to everyone who showers me in love, its the only thing that keeps me going
« Last Edit: May 29, 2018, 01:07:51 PM by Swollow »

all of the models are bliss but that assualt rifle ummm

this looks great
definitely downloading

all of the models are bliss but that assualt rifle ummm

whats wrong with it

what's that

Great stuff. I tried to make a pack like this for a gamemode I'm working on which basically used all the same weapon classes. Guess I'll just use this instead

whats wrong with it
just tried it. Love the effects but the magazine on the assault rifle is tiny

what's that
it allows her script to selectively tell clients to ghost static shapes.

if you've been on her server, it lets the things like the "HEADSHOT" static shape and the lens flare on the sniper not be visible to everyone, but rather visible only to specific people.

you have to load the dll into the server though - the addon does not do it automatically (because it cant)

you have to load the dll into the server though - the addon does not do it automatically (because it cant)

Can someone recommend me a way or program to do this lol? I successfully done it in the past but I don't really know stuff about DLL injectors and it feels sorta sketchy

it allows her script to selectively tell clients to ghost static shapes.

if you've been on her server, it lets the things like the "HEADSHOT" static shape and the lens flare on the sniper not be visible to everyone, but rather visible only to specific people.

you have to load the dll into the server though - the addon does not do it automatically (because it cant)
unfortunately the headshot message was scrapped from release and was instead replaced with explody head effects

the only thing selective ghosting does is sniper lens flares and makes it so when firing sniper shots in first person they are always displayed coming from the correct position, since when you are in first person the bullets will originate from the center instead of the muzzle, however this is very minimal and fairly unnoticeable

no tec-9? the forget kinda pack is this

no tec-9? the forget kinda pack is this

A good one that doesn't contain trash weapons

why is the combat shotgun so nervous

Bullets blow peoples heads off for instant kill
 (insta kill headshot) instakill headshots
lets hear it one more time
« Last Edit: January 08, 2017, 08:00:06 PM by Whackin »