Author Topic: Legendary BL_ID?!  (Read 5719 times)


30849 - 34 is my house number

30849 - The age I started playing Blockland at and my present age


Upside down is 387V

My Apartment is on Level 3.  Apartment number 87V.


It is so easy to remember it I swear.

Woah guys!
I just realized, my BL_ID not only has FIVE whole numbers, but it also starts with a TWO.

c = n/v
3E8 = 1.42/v
3E8*v = 1.42
1.42         1.42

v = 2.11*10^8

Wow! The speed of light though glass is about 2.11E8 meters per second!
Thanks, Badspot!