Author Topic: Bank Brick Gone  (Read 826 times)

Hey guys, don't know why, but I started working on a City RPG. Got it all done, then the Bank Brick did not show up in the game. I've tried crap loads of things. Is there a coding way to activate it? It'd be in Blockland\Addons\\bricks\info\bank
If anyone so wishes to correct this coding, here it is.
Code: [Select]
// ============================================================
// Project : CityRPG
// Author : Iban & Jookia
// Description : Bank Brick Code File
// ============================================================
// Table of Contents
// 1. Brick Data
// 2. Trigger Data
// ============================================================

// ============================================================
// Section 1 : Brick Data
// ============================================================
datablock fxDTSBrickData(CityRPGBankBrickData : brick2x4FData)
category = "CityRPG";
subCategory = "CityRPG Infoblock";

uiName = "Bank Brick";

CityRPGBrickType = 2;
CityRPGBrickAdmin = true;

triggerDatablock = CityRPGInputTriggerData;
triggerSize = "2 4 1";
trigger = 0;

// ============================================================
// Section 2 : Trigger Data
// ============================================================
function CityRPGBankBrickData::parseData(%this, %brick, %client, %triggerStatus, %text)
messageClient(%client, '', "\c6The service refuses to serve you.");

if(%triggerStatus !$= "")
if(%triggerStatus == true && %client.stage $= "")
messageClient(%client, '', "\c6Welcome! Please type the number corresponding to the options below.");
if(CityRPGData.getData(%client.bl_id).valueBank > 0)
messageClient(%client, '', "\c6- You have \c3$" @ CityRPGData.getData(%client.bl_id).valueBank SPC "\c6in the bank.");

messageClient(%client, '', "\c31 \c6- Withdraw money.");
messageClient(%client, '', "\c32 \c6- Deposit money.");
messageClient(%client, '', "\c33 \c6- Deposit all money.");

%client.stage = 0;

if(%triggerStatus == false && %client.stage !$= "")
messageClient(%client, '', "\c6Thanks, come again.");

%client.stage = "";


%input = strLwr(%text);

if(mFloor(%client.stage) == 0)
if(strReplace(%input, "1", "") !$= %input || strReplace(%input, "one", "") !$= %input)
%client.stage = 1.1;

messageClient(%client, '', "\c6Please enter the amount of money you wish to withdraw.");


if(strReplace(%input, "2", "") !$= %input || strReplace(%input, "two", "") !$= %input)
%client.stage = 1.2;

messageClient(%client, '', "\c6Please enter the amount of money you wish to deposit.");


if(strReplace(%input, "3", "") !$= %input || strReplace(%input, "three", "") !$= %input)
%client.stage = 1.2;

serverCmdMessageSent(%client, CityRPGData.getData(%client.bl_id).valueMoney);


messageClient(%client, '', "\c3" @ %text SPC "\c6is not a valid option!");


if(mFloor(%client.stage) == 1)
if(%client.stage == 1.1)
if(mFloor(%input) < 1)
messageClient(%client, '', "\c6Please enter a valid amount of money to withdraw.");


if(CityRPGData.getData(%client.bl_id).valueBank - mFloor(%input) < 0)
if(CityRPGData.getData(%client.bl_id).valueBank < 1)
messageClient(%client, '', "\c6You don't have that much money in the bank to withdraw.");

%brick.trigger.getDatablock().onLeaveTrigger(%brick.trigger, (isObject(%client.player) ? %client.player : 0));


%input = CityRPGData.getData(%client.bl_id).valueBank;

messageClient(%client, '', "\c6You have withdrawn \c3$" @ mFloor(%input) @ "\c6.");

%brick.trigger.getDatablock().onLeaveTrigger(%brick.trigger, (isObject(%client.player) ? %client.player : 0));

CityRPGData.getData(%client.bl_id).valueBank -= mFloor(%input);
CityRPGData.getData(%client.bl_id).valueMoney += mFloor(%input);


if(%client.stage == 1.2)
if(mFloor(%input) < 1)
messageClient(%client, '', "\c6Please enter a valid amount of money to deposit.");


if(CityRPGData.getData(%client.bl_id).valueMoney - mFloor(%input) < 0)
if(CityRPGData.getData(%client.bl_id).valueMoney < 1)
messageClient(%client, '', "\c6You don't have that much money to deposit.");

%brick.trigger.getDatablock().onLeaveTrigger(%brick.trigger, (isObject(%client.player) ? %client.player : 0));


%input = CityRPGData.getData(%client.bl_id).valueMoney;

messageClient(%client, '', "\c6You have deposited \c3$" @ mFloor(%input) @ "\c6!");

%brick.trigger.getDatablock().onLeaveTrigger(%brick.trigger, (isObject(%client.player) ? %client.player : 0));

CityRPGData.getData(%client.bl_id).valueBank += mFloor(%input);
CityRPGData.getData(%client.bl_id).valueMoney -= mFloor(%input);



if(mFloor(%client.stage) == 2)
if(%client.stage == 2.0)
messageClient(%client, '', "\c6Are you looking to \c3store\c6 or \c3take\c6 an item?");
else if(%client.stage == 2.1)
messageClient(%client, '', "\c6Please enter in the ID matching the Item you want to store.");

for(%a = 0; %a < %client.player.getDatablock().maxTools; %a++)
%tool = %client.player.tool[%a];

messageClient(%client, '', "\c3" @ %a @ "\c6 - \c3" @ %tool.uiName);


Found out. I deleted all of the other game modes and it gave me the Bank Brick and the Spawns worked, Just in case anyone else wanted to know.