Author Topic: mental handicapation fight  (Read 12437 times)

Ever get that feeling where you want to report someone but you know they aren't doing anything wrong?

Pathetic honestly. It's a true amateur who doesn't appreciate growing musicians who still have much to learn. They're experimenting with an unorthodox style and you're condemning them for trying something. How weak do you have to be to actually get mad at people who are still learning and call them "talentless hacks". You actually got so aggravated that you made a topic about it so you could tell the world that you think you're better. Yea, you might've "gotten over" the 2cellos screeching phase two years ago, but you still haven't gotten over your amateur elitist phase yet. Learn your place, brat.

holy stuff way to capitalize on loving everything, heed

get rekt op

holy stuff way to capitalize on loving everything, heed

get rekt op
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People can get impressed by things that they have no experience with, true, but these guys atleast tried.
and not to mention they had fun doing so, even if they didn't win.

They are average but they are on TV wooing a bunch of people who don't know what "average" is. That is the joke here.

They are average but they are on TV wooing a bunch of people who don't know what "average" is. That is the joke here.
No, i'm sorry but OP is the joke here.

And what is talent to you, exactly? Is it just difficulty? Or is it inspiring a crowd?
They played technically average. The crowd got up for the gimmick. A place full of people who know music would not have reacted the same way. Since when is talent based on how gullible your audience is?

Pathetic honestly. It's a true amateur who doesn't appreciate growing musicians who still have much to learn. They're experimenting with an unorthodox style and you're condemning them for trying something. How weak do you have to be to actually get mad at people who are still learning and call them "talentless hacks". You actually got so aggravated that you made a topic about it so you could tell the world that you think you're better. Yea, you might've "gotten over" the 2cellos screeching phase two years ago, but you still haven't gotten over your amateur elitist phase yet. Learn your place, brat.
I don't condemn them personally, but the act and the audience's reaction. Have I actually shown true aggravation at any point in this thread? Am I not permitted to voice my opinion as to the amount of talent this act demonstrated? I truly do not understand where this is coming from, as all this post amounts to is my contemplation on their ability to trap an uneducated audience, like Taboo is saying.

Since when is talent based on how gullible your audience is?
Uh. Always. Ever heard of magic?

Uh. Always. Ever heard of magic?
But the talent there is explicitly in the deception.

electric cellos are cheating!!!111!!!1!1

I guess it was ok, I also play cello. They should really pull out those loose bow hairs.

Quote from: a dictionary
Talent: a special ability that allows someone to do something well

welp they have a special ability that allows them to play the cello well


They don't play well. They play average.

Do you know who else is talentless? Demi Lovato, Justin Bieber, Brittany Spears, and many others. But people still enjoy listening to them. Why? Because THEY DON'T CARE. That's the question we should be asking here. Who the forget cares if something is talentless or fake? There will always be someone who enjoys it. If you don't like something, just don't say anything. Is that so hard?

No, they enjoy listening to them because they're saps or have preexisting faith to them for one reason or another.
However, this thread isn't about people enjoying these things, it's about the fact that they are not talented.