Author Topic: I dun goofed.  (Read 756 times)

On my new Windows 8 laptop I was messing around with the boot options and I accidentally deleted the Windows 8.1 boot option. Woops.

Anyway, I can fix this if I can just get back into Windows. Anyone know how to do that without Windows Boot Manager?

looks like you just forgeted up your brand new PC, 10/10

however, if you have another PC you can fix it

looks like you just forgeted up your brand new PC, 10/10

however, if you have another PC you can fix it
The operating system I'm talking about is on a laptop. Can I really access it's hard drive from another computer through USB? If so, I had no idea that was a thing.

The operating system I'm talking about is on a laptop. Can I really access it's hard drive from another computer through USB? If so, I had no idea that was a thing.
My respect for you is rapidly declining at this point.

i suggest taking it to staples or some other computer repair store since you obviously have no idea what you're doing

i suggest taking it to staples or some other computer repair store since you obviously have no idea what you're doing
I know how to fix it, I just need to boot into Windows first.

I know how to fix it, I just need to boot into Windows first.

and to do that you need to follow the steps outlined in the forum post i linked, which you don't know how to do

I looked around in the BIOS options for something that could help, and as it turns out there's a system recovery partition instead of a CD. So that's helpful. Locking.