Author Topic: RetroAhoy: The Secret of Monkey Island  (Read 1023 times)

I love this channel

I was wondering why he had been gone for so long.  I assumed it was something epic like this.

Any hapless foe that wanders into your kill zone can be confident. But the Mark-48
will mark their grave.

In critical moments, the Type-25
will keep you alive.

If you find yourself in a pickle, catch up with the Five-Seven
and unleash 57 varieties of pain.

If you favor knife strategies, keep a sharp wit about you
and your enemy will certainty get the point.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2018, 02:10:25 PM by thegoodperry »

Ahoy is my go to for online documentaries, he does some really good work and digs pretty deep for content.

What I coincidence, I just finished watching this. But seriously, Stu puts out some top-notch content and documentaries.

stuff this video is nice