Author Topic: "james schneider" sends me gay research over PM  (Read 15913 times)

oh my god is zapk's old email, right?
let's check that with the domain records

there you have it folks, it's honno and zapk

For reference, Brian DaSilva is my real name.

told you the image was fake
the thing was slightly off balance, too far too the left

the tall thing i was wrong about though because i'm handicapped and didn't know the @ thing wasn't there if you weren't in a mutual discord and not friends

okay so

do we have enough solid evidence for a recap because this is juicy and I'm confused af

okay so

do we have enough solid evidence for a recap because this is juicy and I'm confused af
bot spams people research
mr queeba links queebadotinfo
site is changed to contain research and earrape
zapk makes a picture saying mr queeba did it
people look through evidence and find out honno and zapk own queebadotinfo

okay so

do we have enough solid evidence for a recap because this is juicy and I'm confused af
Here's pretty much what happened:
I made a post in the drama about how I supported it and such, and I linked the website because I thought it would be relevant to the drama.
Zapk or whoever it was changes the site to show the research GIF and ear rape in an attempt to get me banned from the forums, which I soon realize.
I then, for quite a while, try and work on proving my innocence through evidence and talking with people on the fish tank discord and such. I think it's safe to say Zapk has done it at this point, but who knows.

oops forgot about picture size... I mean i did it in illustrator without resizing the image
so thats just going to look like more of a spam and a stuff post.

What the absolute forget am I looking at

apparently the website has become an arg or something
theres randomly flashing stuff with an sstv signal and a qr code that shows up
the qr code says "Queeba Industries"
i'd still be cautious in case zapk decides to change it back to research (or hell, what if the sstv is an image of it) but ye seems strange