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Topics - Rigel

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Off Topic / anon wants to stay where the warm is
« on: March 18, 2017, 04:18:48 PM »

yes i just took it from reddit, shut up


Neat stuff, we might finally never have to worry about the dreaded "overcharging" of stuff anymore when this is released. I just hope production goes into full swing before this man turns to dust.

Creativity / Homebrew D&D stuff
« on: March 03, 2017, 07:38:46 PM »
So, I really like the game Dungeons & Dragons, and I really like sharing special stuff that I make as a DM or even as a player at times. I know a good few of you play this as well, so maybe the lot of you have some things written that you want opinions on?

First, a question; should I make a repository of all the things people post here, so people can just stop by and grab what looks appealing to them?

Off Topic / Apparently there's goblin metal...
« on: February 28, 2017, 06:36:20 PM »

Off Topic / I'm starting a garden
« on: February 21, 2017, 11:28:13 AM »
Growing in small jiffy pots: Pumpkins "fresh" from the slaughtered pumpkin witch, and a generic pumpkin named "paul"
Growing in starters: Nasturtium "Empress of India", and Purple Cone Flower Echinaceas
Growing in a rack: Sun Flowers, more Purple Cone Flowers, Gaillard Goblins, 2 types of onions (MY SWAMP)
Growing in ceramic pots: Various seasonings and garnishes, including catnip.

I've a bunch of 20" plastic pots that I found in my ditch left over, what else should I try growing?

Off Topic / Operation: Mystery Dazzle
« on: February 14, 2017, 11:22:07 AM »
Probably a poor operation name.

Someone has purchased me a pretty pink carnation via the Valentine's day school fund raiser. The card that came with it did not include a name in the "From:" line. All I have to go on is the handwriting. They wrote my name. The handwriting is mediocre, and almost like I wrote it myself, except it doesn't have my stylized 'R's. So I can safely discredit a glitch in my memory.

I will be asking several people to write my name.

Alternatively, I can bend reality. As soon as the flower people came, I thought, "Maybe I shoulda bought myself one for the seeds." Then voila! I got a flower. This probably isn't it, though.

Do you guys have any better ideas as to finding out who sent me a flower? Aside from asking them, I've already been doing that.

Off Topic / Luxury Memes™
« on: February 08, 2017, 11:00:20 PM »

I think this is one of the best things to have ever blessed the internet.

Off Topic / I have a pumpkin. (VIDEO)
« on: February 02, 2017, 01:05:51 PM »
A group of girls came up to my group during lunch and dropped off a pumpkin that's been painted green and has a witch's hat taped on top of it. They dropped it off saying, "Hi, this is a witch pumpkin, its name is ?????" and then ran down stairs. No one actually heard what the name was, so we named it "Phandi Whandi the Witch Pumpkin." I stowed it away in another teacher's class.

What should I do with it? I was thinking some pumpkin pie for my D&D game tomorrow. I'll post a picture of it's toothy mug when I get home.

so I've tried looking up my symptoms online and found no good answer for why i feel so stuffty. Can Blockland MD help?

Yesterday night, I was extremely cold and shivering like I was out in the snow even though I had 4 layers on me in bed. I couldn't stay asleep due to some weird fever dream involving magicka, WMD-scale lasers, and political intrigue. I kept moving and tossing and turning in bed just to feel the full pain of my head, which I've had a headache for the whole day, along with a sore throat. At 5:30. I got up from bed because I felt hungry because I wasn't actually asleep to fast through the night, and all the food tastes weird now. After attempting to drink or eat something, I now have a feeling of nausea and can't keep eating. While in bed, I felt extremely hot like two hours after I was feeling extremely cold.

No runny nose, sneezing, or coughing though. And the thermometer said "low" temp, not a number

Off Topic / Hydrogen can finally into metal.
« on: January 28, 2017, 09:19:35 PM »
But it kept breaking the loving diamonds they were using to compress it.

Off Topic / Autist Interview
« on: January 24, 2017, 01:52:40 PM »
Next time I have nothing to do, I'm going to interview an autist. What should I ask him? Try to keep the questions and expected answers school appropriate. Also this guy is barely functional without someone constantly telling him what to do, so this is gonna be extra fun.

Edit: I'll be reshaping the questions into something I could actually ask him, and I'll post a transcript of the whole conversation here in a pastebin when I actually do it.

Questions I'm asking:
"Do you like Lego games?"
ask him if he likes his bread with or without crust
How important is fitting in to you?
ask what sort of obstacles he faces daily.
fried or baked chicken
who is best pony?
ask about focus issues and difficulty with schoolwork I guess
how long have you known your autistic?

Off Topic / Man destroys Yellow Jacket nest with his bare hands
« on: January 22, 2017, 11:41:04 PM »

im just wondering if any actually stung him while he was squishing them

Off Topic / """immortal""" cancer cells
« on: January 14, 2017, 03:30:44 AM »
HeLa cells are forgety.

"Scientists have grown some 20 tons of her cells, and there are almost 11,000 patents involving HeLa cells. Due to mutations, HeLa cell lines are not fully human, and some people consider them to be technically a new species."

Off Topic / I am unsure about how to feel about something I did today.
« on: December 17, 2016, 01:09:31 AM »
Technically yesterday, since I'm posting this at 1 AM.

So today I had a moment where I had to stop and just ask my self, "what the forget."

I realized how much of an starfish I could be. An autistic kid that I have to sit next to in class constantly taps my shoulder, back, and head when I put my head down, or if he feels like asking me for help, or for any other reason he decides to interact with me. He won't talk to get someone's attention, he'll go over and make their damnedest attempt to touch the other person before making a request. Anyway, after repeatedly and politely asking him to stop touching me and to leave me alone, he does it some more and I see him smile. So I respond to this by pointing that out, and then calling him Spongebob. (His trigger word, any time anyone says it, he'll moan quietly and plug both of his ears with his fingers. Say it repeatedly, and he'll wave at you and ask you to stop saying it.) After doing that, he does what he always does, and I put my head down again, as the class is just reviewing stuff I already know concretely.

Then he taps on my head again. I don't get up, I just turn to him and say, "Dude, hands to yourself. If you touch my head, if you touch me again, I'll start saying that word again." After that he frowns, and never bothered me for the rest of the period. I felt a bit of guilt then, but mostly relief, and thought of a quote that made me WTF at myself even more, "The only language these animals understand is violence."

I am quite unsure what to do about myself and this experience. I like being nice, but being a richard just gets better results sometimes.

Games / Looking for another kind of game...
« on: December 06, 2016, 06:42:15 PM »
Yes, I know that I've done this before but I was wondering if you guys had any idea as to whether a game like this exists.

I'm looking for a game where you have to kill things, but the amount of things you kill actually matter and serve a purpose for having died, and not respawning. I'm imagining a game where, say you're a mob boss in a war with another mob, and you can choose to kill a bunch of the other mob's mobsters. Doing this would leave them with less resources and less people to send after you in missions.

Or maybe a zombie game where the dead forgets don't respawn, and clearing out a city is actually significant for this reason. One example of this would be Project Zomboid with the right options enabled, but it still feels like either too small, or too boring a game and I would prefer something a little more action-oriented.

Another example would be a lot of RTS games like Warcraft or Starcraft, where you can lead a sudden attack against mobile enemy forces, which may or may not leave their base with a lot less defensive power. But again, I'm looking for something that has more action than just bossing troops around. I'd like to kill those filthy mooks my damn self.

Anyone know of such games where it's not an endless slaughter? Where the enemy has a definitive population that you can personally reduce to 0?

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