Author Topic: we've been lied to  (Read 1664 times)

I can see the white and yellow myself

I can see the white and yellow myself
what kinda zoomed in monitor do u have i can glue my eyes to the screen and still not be able to tell clearly

We've been smeckledorfed!
That's not even a word, and I agree with ya!

wow, didn't see that coming
didn't even see it at all

once badspot is online we're all forgeted what do we do
Dont panic, were not cavemen, we have technology.

what kinda zoomed in monitor do u have i can glue my eyes to the screen and still not be able to tell clearly
you gotta look at it real hard and close to your monitor

damn... our foolish eyes have been tricked by dithering once again...

That stuff wasn't tan?