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Topics - BluetoothBoy

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Off Topic / What is happening to the forums?
« on: February 09, 2014, 12:27:19 AM »
Anyone else having the forums stop working for a few seconds, and then come back online?

Off Topic / Nokia Lumia 520/521 - Hardware Questions!
« on: January 29, 2014, 11:55:57 PM »
Ok, so my brother and I were looking at Windows phones earlier, and it turns out that you can get the Nokia Lumia 520 on the Windows Store for $59.99 and the 521 for $69.99 for a limited time (not contract required). So, I have a couple questions before I spend half my money on one.

First off, how does it compare to, say, an iPod 5th generation (which is what I'm currently using)? According the the specs sheet, it should actually outperform the iPod (1 GHz on Nokia vs. 800 MHz on iPod, both with 512mb ram, Nokia with a front facing camera, which I don't have on my iPod). This question is mainly for my brother, because he is looking to replace his 4th gen iPod (old and slow, behind in software, etc.).

Secondly, does anyone have any (good) photos they've taken with one of these two phones? I'd like to do some comparisons. I'm actually looking to use this mainly for its camera feature(s), so I'm doing a little research first. And please, don't tell me, "Just buy an actual camera for around the same price." I don't think I can edit the photos extensively or upload photos anywhere on the web with a $70 point 'n shoot.

Also, please don't derail this. This isn't meant to be a discussion of Android vs Windows 8 vs iOS, or Apple vs PC, or any of that mumbo-jumbo. Additionly, don't misinform me, please (don't talk about it like you know what you're talking about if you don't - preferably, people who have had hands-on experience would be best suited to give me some answers).

Now, as I await replies, I shall go do some more research on this phone.

Off Topic / Odd electrical phenomenon in my room.
« on: January 26, 2014, 12:18:40 AM »
So, I have a plastic bin underneath my bed, and inside this bin is a Lego IR train controller. Now, the end of my bed is near the light switch, so the bin is almost directly under it. So here's the strange part. When I shocked myself on one of the light switch panel screws (accidentally the first time), the red light on the IR controller lit up, just as if I had pressed one of the buttons. I did it several more times, each with the same result. Any idea what could be causing this?

Off Topic / The Brain Teaser Thread
« on: January 17, 2014, 01:30:20 PM »
Here is where you post a short brain teaser to make people think and use their noodle. Just answer the above user's teaser, then post your own. It's even better if you come up with the brain teaser yourself; better still of you can explain your answer to the previous teaser. Here's one of mine to start us off.

Which is more environmentally friendly: riding the bus, or riding your bike?

Get usin' those ~Thinkers, forum!  :cookieMonster:

Modification Help / Confetti Gun [WIP] - Requested by Blur
« on: January 14, 2014, 11:33:31 PM »
I decided to take up this request, as it is something I can crank out fairly quickly in my free time.

Progress so far: Model done (unless someone suggests a change that I think would benefit it).

Help / Decals missing after Steam transfer.
« on: January 10, 2014, 10:28:27 AM »
So, yeah, basically what the title says. No decals show up at all (not even in the avatar editor). I literally copied my Add-Ons, config, saves, and screenshots folders to the new directory. In addition to this, it says my colorSet.txt is invalid when trying to start a server. I am on a Mac, of that changes anything.

Music / LLOiD's Custom Electronic Music Stuff! [New Loop: Repercussion!]
« on: January 07, 2014, 06:46:18 PM »
So, if any of you didn't already know, I make electronic music under the moniker LLOiD.

Anyway, I decided to make some loops out of my Nanostudio projects (and one out of one of my more professional pieces). If there are any of my songs you guys want me to loop for some odd reason, let me know and I'll see what I can do.

For all the loops that I post that have a link to listen to the full version, I'll post them. Some of them, though, are sections from unreleased pieces, or were made specifically for looping.

Without further ado, the list:

- Battlestar, loops 1, 2, and 3

- Bunker

- Colored World

- Dragonflight (a bit different than the one on my SoundCloud)

- Emission

- Glitch'd

- Happy

- Huge

- Interrogation

- Limiter

- Melodic

- noisrevnI

- Rematerialize

- Sky Sail

- Repercussion

Off Topic / Eat A Slice With Me
« on: January 03, 2014, 01:13:00 AM »
I love this guy, he's awesome

General Discussion / Georges' & BluetoothBoy's EXTREME TAG! [WIP]
« on: January 02, 2014, 11:40:50 PM »

It has been decided; we are doing a tag server. But not just any tag, no - extreme tag.

Modes (values subject to change):

- Elimination: One person is IT, five minute time limit. Get tagged, you're out. If there are any players left when time runs out, Runners win. Otherwise IT takes the gold.

- Freeze Tag: One person is IT, five minute time limit. IT freezes Runners by tagging them. Runners can thaw out frozen playmates by clicking them for three seconds; however, there is a five second cool down before a Runner can be unfrozen. A Runner is out if he has been frozen thrice. Runners win if there are any surviving members; IT wins if all members are frozen.

- Classic: One person is IT, five minute time limit. IT is transferred to Runner when tagged, and the previous IT is immune to being tagged for three seconds. Runner(s) with fewest number of times being tagged win.


This version of tag will have the following powerups (suggestions welcome!):

- Speed Boost
- Un-tag-ability
- Invisibility

- ???


There will be several maps, first one is already under construction (picture preview coming soon). The number of maps is still undecided.

Overall progress:

  - Build:
     - Map 1 (Neighborhood): 5%
     - Map 2: ?

   - Gamemode/Powerups:
     - Tag:
        - Elimination: 0%
        - Freeze Tag: 0%
        - Classic: 0%
     - Speed Boost: 0%
     - Un-tag-ability: 0%
     - Invisibility: 0%


At the moment, we are not accepting any sort of admin application. Subject to change in the future.

Preview images:

Any and all preview images will be posted by my brother below.

General Discussion / What should we do with our server?
« on: January 02, 2014, 10:32:00 AM »
My brother (Georges) and I have the ability to leave a dedicated server running 24/7 now, suggestions of what we could turn it into? It's ok to be fairly specific.

Not a freebuild.

Viable suggestions so far:

- Quality dogfight
- Tag
- Tank TDM (garages)
- Tank TDM (landscape with realistic tanks)

Suggestions & Requests / Is it possible to transfer data between severs?
« on: January 02, 2014, 12:27:38 AM »
I might be dreadfully mistaken, as I usually stay away from networking, but is it possible to transfer data (chat, score, saves, etc.) between servers in realtime? If so, it could make for a very fun gaming experience, having a multi-server megaworld, perfect for a gigantic RPG or something (without overloading one server or maxing out the brick limit).

Thoughts? Note that this networking jazz would not have to be completely contained within Blockland itself (but if it could be, that'd be great).

Modification Help / Client variables don't properly update
« on: January 01, 2014, 10:15:08 PM »
Ok, what am I doing wrong here? I thought this would be a simple script to toggle the chat on and off, but it's not working (with the exception of the keybind showing up). What am I doing wrong?

Code: [Select]
if (!$addedChatToggle)
$remapDivision[$remapCount] = "Chat";
$remapName[$remapCount] = "Toggle Chat On/Off";
$remapCmd[$remapCount] = "toggleChat";
$toggled = 1;
$addedChatToggle = true;
function toggleChat()
%num = $Pref::Chat::MaxDisplayLines;
$Pref::Chat::MaxDisplayLines = 0;
$toggled = 0;
else if(!$Prefs::Chat::Toggled)
$Pref::Chat::MaxDisplayLines = %num;
$toggled = 1;

Modification Help / Tesla Roadster - A WIP Car
« on: December 30, 2013, 10:00:32 AM »
Well, title basically speaks for itself. In the early modeling stages.

Add-Ons / Ol' BMW 320 - ::Updated!::
« on: December 24, 2013, 09:54:30 PM »
Yo! I made this for my brother (Georges) for Christmas, and I'm giving it to you all as well. Happy Christmas, enjoy!

The update:


Note: If I have time at some point, I may fix up the model a bit. I had to do this quickly, 'cause Christmas decided it wanted to come early this ye- wait, what? It's always on the 25th, you say? Huh... Fixed it!

Creativity / Happy Christmas - A Seasonal-ish Song
« on: December 24, 2013, 09:44:08 AM »

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