Author Topic: PSA: Requesting more servers to be hosted with Complex Weapons  (Read 6111 times)

Hey, so I honestly don't know how to go about this but it'd be real awesome if more people hosted servers with Complex Weapons (Glass link).
Things like trench wars, counter-strike-like TDM's, zombie survival servers and other things will definitely work well with the pack, at least as far as I know.

I can't really find motivation to work on more weapons to include in the pack or to make any "weapon skins" for it unless I know people are actually interested in it, so this will help motivate me into coding lots more fun time guns

shameless self-promotion 0/10

if only there were more weapons

Pictures of the weapons themselves?

I would if there were more modern weapons other than the Uzi and Frag
There's no carbines or assault rifles which I would like

personally they don't feel fun to use

Seriously, are there any pictures of the guns cause lmao there aren't any that I can find.

The system and design is really cool. I had some confusions about the revolvers, I couldn't figure out how spinning them worked, but the system itself is really cool. The magazines are kinda clunky, I think some of them share the same model? I don't really like the fact that I have to scroll to them in my inventory to get info on them. Might work pretty well with GSF's inventory system. They'd go pretty will with an RP I'd imagine.

The only problem I have with them has nothing to do with the code. The weapons you chose are weirdly different from each other, you've got a 1847 black powder revolver, a world war 2 service rifle, and a modern micro sub-machine gun all in the same pack. With such diverse weapons it's hard to find an applicable use for the whole pack. The models themselves are sorta boring and the emitters/particles are pretty flat, making them feel not powerful. This doesn't really lead to a fulfilling experience.

Seriously, are there any pictures of the guns cause lmao there aren't any that I can find.

After playing around with the guns, these could go really well in a realistic survival roleplay but in any other setting, not really good

Great pack tho

you've got a 1847 black powder revolver
That's actually not the case, that one revolver is like the other one except it's double action instead of single. You have to click twice, once to clock and next to fire

It has a roll and everything, it's just double action instead of single

honestly the only reason that i've never used these in an actual server is because
1) it lacks a sufficient enough array of weaponry
2) the guns in the pack are really just randomly picked it seems, and honestly wouldn't fit in any setting i've made so far (but idk maybe)

Honestly if there were less of a random variation, and more guns, this would be the pack to use, but sadly this isn't the case.

might i suggest adding more weapons, plausably ranging from 1940s to early-late 2000's? and not just american weapons, perhaps have varients from countries, like germany, russia, hell even japan(?), that in itself would cause people to use the weapons waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more.

yeah if you add in more guns and possibly make a ww2 extension, I could try a hand at a realistic post-apoc server or zombie survival

Also include pictures too

I don't know what the hell anyone is talking about them being a clunky pack, I hosted a DM with this awhile back and got 30 players because it's fun to use

I like having weapons with mechanics that take time to learn beyond the point-and-shoot mechanic, having some sort of rhythm to reloading the gun puts an extra layer of skill required made the DM more involved and somewhat slower paced. It was kinda clunky at first but a lot of the guns became really easy to use once you got used to the process of reloading
« Last Edit: July 27, 2016, 08:00:09 AM by IkeTheGeneric »

Interesting idea, terrible execution and overall bad for gameplay.

My friend used this on his martial law server and it sucked compared to the original one. Cavik also attempted to use these on his MM and it was awful too. Playercounts plummeted because of the amount of effort required to reload them and find ammo. It's just not worth it. I could maybe see these used on a server aiming for extreme realism but that's about it.

Not to mention the weapons and models are mediocre at best in the first place. They wouldn't even be suitable for normal use.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2016, 09:40:44 AM by Ravencroft· »