Author Topic: Oriony (179428) - private investigating me and posting my location in general chat  (Read 4865 times)

private investigating might be illegal because it invades rights of privacy or whatever

as far as i know it is illegal in the us

I think intent matters here. Even if his dox attempt was poor there was still an attempt here. It's like robbery vs attempted robbery. Failure doesn't make it any less disgusting. And theres no saying he wont put more effort into his attempt next time.
Exactly, and if you don’t come down on someone loving hard for this kind of bullstuff they’ll think its ok and do it again. Please permaban this person from glass.


Deserves to be banned from BL Glass and his key revoked. He's a threat to the whole community. I mean, he could even be taken to court, I'm pretty sure private investigating with information that isn't public is against the law.


should be revoked, will ban him on any server im admin on. this is disgusting