Author Topic: Steee & xalvakanian | Blatant trolling. Threatening: private investigating, ddosing, swatting.  (Read 38856 times)

who the forget would try to forget with blockaloni

Hes currently being a problem on heeds server

Hes currently being a problem on heeds server
yea i can confirm he was being a stuffhead and was talking about how everybody baited him and how he has multipersonality disorder and how all 3 of them are triggered : (

yea i can confirm he was being a stuffhead and was talking about how everybody baited him and how he has multipersonality disorder and how all 3 of them are triggered : (
lmfao whether or not this is paraphrased it's hilarious

lmfao whether or not this is paraphrased it's hilarious
i wasn't really paying attention but his insults were pretty much thot patrols but he wasn't doing a bit

yea i can confirm he was being a stuffhead and was talking about how everybody baited him and how he has multipersonality disorder and how all 3 of them are triggered : (
i want to know if theres a chatlog of this

i want to know if theres a chatlog of this
Sadly the Blockland paparazzi have yet to chronicle my every attempted troll, besides that there's so much dis-information going around on this thread it actually boggles the mind. Hell, even the fact that this post was started shows just how bad people with Dragon as their first name can really be. (A stab at Dragonoid and Dragonslayer because you're all too clearly stupid to get that.)

 Although I can see the uninformed being shocked by the idea of anyone throwing around another's IP as they do not realize just how easy it is to find. Infact just by going to the server list and pressing the ~ key you can gain access to all the IP's of those who are currently hosting a server.

That aside though the major issue raised here is one of morality and legality, the fact here being that it is NOT illegal to post another's IP and that I checked to make sure that posting such public information would do no harm to these persons. I am also not going around doxing people or anything of the sort, infact I've only actually posted two IPs and those were 1: part of me loving with Alxetora, and 2: trying to get this drama to blow up even more. (Although in hindsight that may have been a bad idea and I apologise to Blockaloni for using his IP as the bait, and if I have offended anyone who I was not aiming to troll due to aforementioned misinformation and attempts to make me seem like some master troll with millions of alts who is looking to destroy the entire loving Blockland community.

So here's a  :cookie: for everyone who jumped on this train and I hope that this has cleared at least some things up.

lmfao everyone knows how easy it is to get an ip it's just the fact that you thought you had some position of power because you have their ip or whatever
also first post and already admittance to trolling, nice

you've been threatening to dox and swat people which is still illegal, im gonna call the popo on you!!!

I told you to clear up things and make yourself less hated, what do you do next? You admit to troll in your first post.

The point wasn't to make those who are already against me stop hating me, I know that is impossible. The fact is that I wanted to clear up some things and I will attempt to clear some more things up in this reply.

#1: I trolled Alxetora. I am a troll. It's really that simple. Anyone here who denies that they have trolled anyone else in this community is lying. Those who try to use "HURR DURR HE ADMITS TO TROLLING" as an arguement against me is clearly trying to set themself up for a fall when it's revealed that they themselves have trolled/are trolls.

#2: I never participated or unjokingly advocated for any illegal actions to be taken. The screenshots seen in the original post are only a small portion of the actual conversation and try to make me out to be some starfish looking to dox or swat a guy I don't know and have nothing against other than that he lied to me banned me from his server. Which goes to show just how stupid these people are, and what to what depths they will go to make me look like a bad person and justify themselves. The fact is that I did say those things in the chat during the trolling only to bait these kids into responding and putting themselves on the moral high ground only to faceplant when I point out that the IP I posted was actually useless and that even if I was able to get any information I'm not some petty forgeter who would actually try to ruin someone's life for the sake of internet drama.

#3: I'm not an idiot on some power trip and if I was you would have seen a whole lot more IP's thrown out. I realized that these idiots would jump on me for putting an IP out but I was expecting to get the chance to actually defend myself and show everyone just how idiotic their points were.

#4: The fact that this post and it's replies even exist is proof of my original point that people will do whatever it takes to pull someone they marginally do not like down when given the chance on the internet and without consequences.

i get that you're self aware of being a huge star fish but ike has also claimed that you threatened him and he's a really trustworthy guy, id rather trust ike than some friend using scare tactics on (probably) kids

i get that you're self aware of being a huge star fish but ike has also claimed that you threatened him and he's a really trustworthy guy, id rather trust ike than some friend using scare tactics on (probably) kids

I don't recall threatening Ike? Unless he's Alxetora in which case he and arryn can both suck a large black richard and forget off back to hell.