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Topics - Whackin

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plz help

Off Topic / nals tells us whats up
« on: April 17, 2017, 12:47:07 AM »

srry dude

Drama / lugui609 - bitchy admin & host
« on: April 15, 2017, 07:02:10 PM »
so i hoped on lugiu's western rp server recently, and i joking said "this server is a siht". most normal human beings probably would've been able to discern this as a joke and move on but luigi got salty immediantly. after i spawned i tried to build a nigerian flag for my beautiful nation. luigi first observed me then d-wanded my build every time i tried to make it. here are pictures

"wtf dont do that" is refering to when he pulled out a d-wand

i told him to be a mature host and not to get so mad at someone saying "this server is a siht"

im gonna try to join again, will post results

User was banned for this post


« on: April 14, 2017, 03:54:38 PM »
L4D2 Blockland Server
Not always guarenteed to work!tm

discord server
join for server alerts, downtimes, uptimes, what we're playing, and server emotes

hey folks
a while back i hosted a left for dead 2 server and i thought i'd do it again
currently offline

cool logo pending (if u made one that would be pretty cool)

i'm currently testing a deathmatch with an edited version of the afgan 'map' with an emphasis on fast gameplay.

Help / my game crashes when attempting to host a custom server
« on: April 12, 2017, 06:45:54 PM »
i've only tested with piber20's deathmatch but it works fine, so im guessing its one of my add-ons.

Off Topic / woah! the zombie apocalypse happens! what do you do?
« on: April 04, 2017, 08:54:56 PM »
in asking the important questions of life what are the whos, whats, wheres, whens, and whys of the zombie apocalypse?

Off Topic / space oddity or cygnet committee - whats the best song
« on: March 21, 2017, 05:06:30 PM »
answer the frickin question

Drama / freedombringer and edd eddington - toxicology fanboys
« on: March 19, 2017, 12:39:40 PM »
im gonna start this off by saying that i dont really have anything against toxic himself. i've learned not to get mad at him and he can be pretty funny sometimes. however freedom bringer and edd are in a very special group of people know as the "i want to be toxicology because hes so funny lol!!" (trademark pending) but they don't seem to understand what exactly makes toxic funny in the first place

epic posts by freedombringer

harambe cousin
topic is locked so i cant get the perfect quote but whatever
There shall be no mexicans not contributing to society on my watch.
Well, since it is proven that its not plastic, because of the dink sound, i can conclude that it must be pretty dense. But, when doing my research while i beat my wife, I noticed it had a vibrating effect. Players in a certain radius notice the vibrations because of the camera shaking. Thanks to my handydandy bs machine, i can conclude that the hammer's density is about 12 g/cm squared.
Thanks for stroking my science rod, and remember to join my army of 7 million kids.

Sources: my ass

This clan is about giving into the Funny force, and praising our lord and god Peter Griffin and his subjects.

To join, you must join our weekly server that is up every friday. Then you must proceed to the podium of the funnies, and be determined if you have a worthy soul.

Our procedures are:
  • Sacrifices of builds, which will be taken into the Funny void.
  • Rallies every friday, wednesday, and thursday (you must attend friday)
  • Do not swear, anyone who swears must be banished
  • Destroy any who oppose Peter and his Subjects
The High Priests
Freedom Bringer

Givers (people who are accepted)

The Forbidden

he made an entire stuffty griffin clan thread as a joke except its not funny at all
and of course the best for last
stop trying to be funny by saying that you're a child enthusiast. I will find a way to get your information so I can report you to the authorities, maggot.
I know it's two different things, my stuffposts and your "comedy" but just forget off
he just randomly jumped on espios ass. im not espios biggest fan but this was a completely unnecessary sperg-out
compared to freedom i dont have much stuff but in thot patrol edd was on his knees praising toxicology to a point where he set his avatar to the loving meme emoji toxicology has. i dont have any evidence, unfortunately, [because toxic banned me (cunt)] but im pretty sure some people in THOT PATROL can vouch for me.


General Discussion / why large blockland servers suck
« on: March 18, 2017, 04:52:13 PM »
so ive basically been playing blockland forever (like 2 years lmao) and i've learned 2 things in that time. 1. its not gmod 2. bigass servers loving suck
now you may say "wow limerick what brought you to that assumption i thought this game was gmod  also why do bigass servers suck dude" well dont worry because im gonna go deep. really deep. except about that gmod part lmao

i've decided to kickoff with an issue with blockland in general because 'i've decided to kickoff with an issue with blockland in general' is a really good transition so suck that friend
im gonna use your average cityrpg because it is as close to darkrp as possible without directly copying it and also because most players are familiar with it
so the question becomes "alright limerick whats the big issue with the player base" well its that its damn to small

lets take this incredibly simplified version of an average cityrpg map for example, you have your roads, spawns, banks, rdmers and stuff bases, its also really loving big. the issue with this is that you have all this space that barely any people can use because your gonna be getting an average of 20 players on a cityrpg so there's gonna be a bunch of pits to admin calls because you accidentally drove your stolen car into a pit you cant get out of. but thats an issue with cityrpg itself; a bigger issue is that there's one of two possibilities

or, if your especially unlucky

either way it makes the game feel dead as stuff because nobody is on the server
comparing this to gmod (yea yea <b-but blockland is gmod!!!! ) darkrp servers have a bunch of people on them meaning that people will base or walk around meaning you'll see more people and the server will still feel lively because you have a good 40-100 people on a map built for 40-100 people. this is compared to cityrpg which has 13 people built on a map for 40 people. you cant have an enjoyable large server if there's nothing to do because there's noone to do anything with.

nothing to do
you'll usually notice that most large servers arent games which your always taking action like tdm's. this is because a tdm with a large map would usually have 'downtimes' where the enemy team is running over to the home teams base as the home team shoos them off. instead of seperating the action, deathmatch maps are compact and simple so players are always rushing the objective for fast, fun gameplay.
but not large servers.
lets take another example; the most popular medieval roleplay; the map on that is huge, and there's a bunch of stuff to explore. but theres not much you can do other than explore, and that loses its merits after a while. without anything to do in these massive servers thats really entertaining or interesting people just stick to the areas with a bit of captivating content or players (ex: aedwin) and therefore a massive chunk of the map on the medieval roleplay is left unexplored and the only places people go is through the mountains to get to hallenguard and aedwin. i also personally go to the waterfall a bunch. this is also applicable to cityrpgs, if you dont have the money to start building a shop or just dont wont to, your not given much in the way of options other than to go to the area with a bunch of players so you can actually do something.

in the end if you enjoy or dont enjoy these kinds of servers then whatever you do you but i thought i'd get my opinions out there. thanks amigos

Forum Games / devout righteous to anarchist wicked - which one are you
« on: March 16, 2017, 11:28:13 PM »

« on: March 13, 2017, 07:08:06 PM »
L4D2 Blockland Server
Not always guarenteed to work!tm

discord server
join for server alerts, downtimes, uptimes, what we're playing, and server emotes

probably online

Off Topic / music - post good stuff
« on: March 13, 2017, 02:10:31 AM »
hey welcome to the music thread dummies i guess its a 'what are you listening to' thread aswell whatever

good stuff
creedence clearwater revival - fortunate son

creedence clearwater revival - fortunate son

creedence clearwater revival - fortunate son

creedence clearwater revival - fortunate son

creedence clearwater revival - fortunate son

will post more fortunate son later

just a tidbit; try and keep it 'creedence clearwater revival - fortunate son'. i get creedence clearwater revival - fortunate son and creedence clearwater revival - fortunate son are good songs but brother i dont need a top 10 most creedence clearwater revival - fortunate son of all time list - on my thread

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