Author Topic: Breaking News - Furry Con Closed among Tax Issues, Alt-Right/Neo-national socialist Connection  (Read 7411 times)

Fools, furries were a creation of 4chan, which is actually a code mame for 4DChess. If Raging Autists are better than Alt Righters, how come Furrycon was shutdown due to tax irregularities?
Checkmate Atheists.

Fools, furries were a creation of 4chan, which is actually a code mame for 4DChess. If Raging Autists are better than Alt Righters, how come Furrycon was shutdown due to tax irregularities?
Checkmate Atheists.

Fools, furries were a creation of 4chan, which is actually a code mame for 4DChess. If Raging Autists are better than Alt Righters, how come Furrycon was shutdown due to tax irregularities?
Checkmate Atheists.

where will you be when the furry uprising happens

where will you be when the furry uprising happens

running over them with torin and toxicology blasting them with a flamethrower from the back of my truck

The funny thing is furcigarettes would be the first to be gassed by national socialist's. Oh how the mighty have fallen
Can confirm. We're firing up the easybake ovens right now.

running over them with torin and toxicology blasting them with a flamethrower from the back of my truck

*dresses up in furry seat* look at the glory of our white race

Annoying Orange should've sent those tomahawk missiles at furry weekend atlanta instead

BREAKING: Leaked clip from anti-furry propaganda video made by extremist user "Patton360"

Who should be gassed first? Furrys, Muslims, or Master Mathew?