
Is this a good idea


Author Topic: (Blockland For Newbies)AAWWWWWWWWSOMENESSSSSSSSSSSS  (Read 6083 times)

Blockland For Newbies

This is a book, made by you and edited by me, on playing Blockland well.It will be a guide, not an instruction manual.

How To Write

I will take any application, as long as you are not a newbie, and have some experience in the category. Here is a list of people who would be great, and not so great.
Great | Not so great
Heed              GreenBH
MtnDew          TheToxicRadio
Ephilates        noobishname###
All writing must be in a Word-usable format. You will be given full credit for every chapter you make.  


The application must be specific to the chapter, and must be on this form


You may apply by contacting me with one of the methods in the "Contact Me" section, or apply on this topic.  


Red=not applied for
Yellow=applied for, but unfinished

Minimizing spam
Blockhead Art (this means pixel art, statues,ect)

Introduction to Events

Making Addons
Modeling(Either Blender or Mikshape)
Basic Torque Scripting
Mission Editor

Contact Me

You can either email me at smithers.dansmithers@gmail.com or PM me.I am available live from 6-8 PM MST.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2010, 11:52:53 AM by dansmithers »

Use a word other than "Noobs" before you get flamed.

Who the hell are you?

Use a word other than "Noobs" before you get flamed.
Happy now?

Wow. 8-minute bump.
You're an idiot.
It was the second topic on the list.

If anyone would like to APPLY now, please do.

This is a book
Couldn't stop laughing long enough to read the rest.

Ololol look at pic too

Couldn't stop laughing long enough to read the rest.
Why, exactly, was it funny?

I'd love to write something in this field, but I just don't have time.

I don't have much of an issue with this. It's an interesting idea, and I'm sure someone would appreciate.

Though, my only doubt is, several new players don't even go through the tutorial, half of which probably felt it too long or boring when they did try it out, the other half not even trying it. I doubt they'd read a book on information. Though, there are numerous newer players whom I'm sure would enjoy to do such such.

On the other hand, Badspot has instituted numerous instructions throughout the forums and the game itself, and often a teacher is more effective then a book.

On the other hand, such instructions aren't always specific as to building/eventing well, and not everyone is willing to spend their time to help newcomers.

On the other hand, players need to learn at their own pace to build and event well, so a book may not help them. After all, the greatest teacher is experience.

On the hand, there is no harm in reading a book to get yourself started off, and travel though such experiences.

Which leads back to the first point, that not everyone may read it, seeing as they may find it boring or a waste of time.

I have a lot of hands. ._.
Over all, not a bad idea, just writers may have different writing skills, and may not be that informant or understandable, as well as we are assuming that the new players will read this, which maybe 1 out 3 will, by my guess. Perhaps 1/2. Though, I suppose that if at least one person learns something, it was well worth doing. 

And also, it technically can appeal to a broader audience. Most newcomers don't model, but after they get settled, they may want to. And primarily, some people may not know how to event well, old and new, so it may appeal to them as well. And building then can help the new players get settled, or settled players gain even more skills. Though, that's assuming that the book would be instructional and well written.

That's just how I see it, short-handed. :P