Author Topic: Black Friday 2014 - Best Buy, the three day event  (Read 1871 times)

I know this is early as forget to mention. but this is a big party and will require people have some days off work and optionally some spending money ready lol.
I know of at least 8 minneapolis-metro blocklanders, and a boatload of you just five hour drive from chicago.

We already got a dedicated group of six annual store #281 (richfield) loyalists.
we are first in line every year. and the fun gets bigger each time.

We have planned for a parked party bus this year, with a 5g wifi hotspot.
and have 3 tents in front of line. BBQ, propane heaters, lan parties, music.

we start the party roughly 48 hours before opening. im there all week.

everyone welcome. lemme know 612-616-3010, make plans. we even pick you guys up if you bus from chicago. greyhound is a 18 dollar trip.

I never go to stores during black friday, online shopping is better imho

this has nothing to do with shopping. its an adventure and a party.

that would be dope but i live 1 country across

Can I bring the baseball bats

Holy cow this sounds fun.

To bad my parents would never let me do that. :(

If I come will you show me your love for BDSM first hand?

I walked into best buy on black friday just for the hell of it last year and walked out with a brand new windows surface pro 85% off.

If I come will you show me your love for BDSM first hand?
not cool
not cool man

Any New York blockheads wanna group up with me and go?

Any New York blockheads wanna group up with me and go?
Where in ny

Where in ny

Western New York, more specifically, Finger Lakes.

If only I wish

I might be able to do a Western Massachusetts one