Author Topic: 10 years  (Read 4078 times)

I know I just posted a thread a few hours ago, but seeing how today is my 10-year anniversary on the forum I wanted to make a topic for it.

This forum and community have played a major part in my life; I've made friends from it, learned programming (which has now become my career), and it's shaped how I interact on the internet, for better or for worse.  Not to mention the countless hours of browsing, stuffposting, getting into arguments, and laughing my ass off at all the stupid stuff that happens here.  It's not been all good of course, it's a mixed bag overall, but still...

Looking back at old threads is always a trip because I get reminded of people who are gone, moments that are long over, and where I was at that point in my life.  It makes me remember being in that moment, watching it all unfold as it happened, only to be preserved in a thread that can never be revived, full of accounts that will never come back.  It's especially weird to me because BLF is such a revolving door with so many different generations of users, yet there have always been a few consistent fixtures on this forum that seem to just always be here.  And over the years it's never really occurred to me that I'm kind of a fixture here too since I've been on long enough to recognize them as such.

It's kind of bittersweet.  Today marks my 10th year here but the community and the game are on their deathbed.  With everyone migrating to Brickadia, activity dropping off sharply, and all the old users growing up and starting their lives, the only thing I can really do now is look back.  And I feel like that's true for a lot of people in this community.  I've noticed many old users coming back for a last goodbye or to reminisce about the past.  I feel like as much as we've denied it for years, we've finally come to terms with the fact that Blockland is actually dying and that 2019 or 2020 might be its last year.

Anyway, this is not a goodbye post; I plan on going down with this ship.  I just wanted to get sappy for a moment even if it's just about a silly little bulgarian lego forum...

So thank you guys.

in 2 more years i am 10


When was the last time we had a chainban anyways?

Thanks King Tony, Deus Ex and Master Matthew for ruining everything with racism

almost 11 years for me, few weeks

welp let's see what events will unfold with Brickadia being the number one spot for migration of Blockland players and if Badspot will update the game because of this competition.

this’ll be your last

i am a "new" player, started in april 2014 while having played the demo a long time when i was younger.
i love this game  and I'm sad to see it go even though i only really played it after 2017 just for the new years servers. I just hope brickadia will fill that void

was some good times, yeah

Was one hell of a ride I gotta admit, but this game had done a lot for me ever since I joined in 2016 to be honest. I just don't know where me and the rest of my friends I met on here will go next. I had some good times here, made some, and even shared some, but I had some stuffty experiences here too. I think I spent a chunk of time here idling, just waiting for something good or bad.

If anything, I'm a bit worried that I haven't really left my mark here, there can only be so many people who can do that, so I'm probably just gonna remain as who I am for now because I've done nothing big. Even if I did, I would either get tossed aside or my "work" ignored. I tried to make some big things, but most of them usually fall flat on their back like a cardboard cutout. I think the only thing I can remotely be known for are those old Doom threads I made, I am proud I got that DeadFromHeaven guy to post there too, didn't even know he was part of the BL community until then. Or maybe I did do something big and I just don't know it.
And another thing I'm worried about, I hope I didn't waste a lot of time here.

It really saddens me to see this game go, I'm sure other people can say that too, so all I can really say now is grab your friends that you met here and keep em close.

I would add a little thank you section here but I think some people would flip their stuff over it
« Last Edit: October 26, 2019, 01:52:51 PM by YouKnowWhoAgain »