Kubo and the Two Strings did kinda bomb... I believe most movies that are "kinda good" and gets more money gets the better end of the stick.

Best Directing coming up. I wouldn't mind if Moonlight got this one but I'd prefer it go to Arrival.

Yup, pretty predictably it went to La La Land. I gotta go see that movie.

Zealot losing his mind over the Oscars is loving hilarious

Kubo was overshadowed by Sausage Party of all things when it came out lmao

La La Land just won best actress. This whole awards ceremony is like a giant bukkake scene with Oscar judges and Emma Stone.

How the forget did Self Delete Squad get any rewards for anything?

Kubo was amazing, I'm sad they didn't get the animation award after the countless hours poured into the stop-motion.

Also every year the movie that talks about the struggles of black people wins (like 12 Years A Slave) because the Oscar judges are scrambling over themselves to not look tribal.

Are you implying that they are?

^I don't think they're tribals but they're so insecure that if a movie addresses any social rights like Selma or 12 Year A Slave it will be addorned with awards and win tons of Oscars because the judges don't want to look tribal. It's the reason the ultra-mediocre 12 Years a Slave won Best Picture.

at this point I wouldnt even care if Self Delete Squad won best picture bc then I could see the whole thing as a joke

Self Delete squad was absolute loving garbage. Some of the humor was so bad that I couldn't even ironically laugh at how bad it was, it just made me uncomfortable. Jared Leto's performance was cringeworthy. Whole thing felt like a fan service to 12 year old children who've been whacking off to Harley Quinn ever since arkham knight came out. I was legitimately embarrassed for myself and those around me while watching it.

The best way I could describe Jared Leto's joker is those really annoying kids in GTA: Online that drive around in hot pink Kuruma's RDMing people because "it's GTA bro"

Yea, this totally didn't deserve an award. Just look at the 'HAHAHAHHAHAHA' tattoo!:

I'm glad somebody mentioned this lmfao

^I don't think they're tribals but they're so insecure that if a movie addresses any social rights like Selma or 12 Year A Slave it will be addorned with awards and win tons of Oscars because the judges don't want to look tribal. It's the reason the ultra-mediocre 12 Years a Slave won Best Picture.

at this point I wouldnt even care if Self Delete Squad won best picture bc then I could see the whole thing as a joke

I would agree with that.

BTW Kubo also should've won Best Visual Effects over The Jungle Book. Those lame CGI monkeys are cool but Kubo was a work of love and from a practical standpoint the technique used to create the stunning claymation animation (including building a 15-foot tall skeleton robot) was faar more impressive than any animation done on the Jungle Book. Honestly the precedent for crazy CGI animals was already set with Rise of the Planet of the Apes and I don't think they improved on it at all

Self Delete squad was a bad movie with bad characters only one i liked was will smith