Author Topic: BAC's Plate  (Read 21373 times)

Now THIS is a map I will use often.
Very Blockland.
Should be included as a default map.

Cool. Now for v9. That's great.
This was one of my favorites.
(because it's easier to buld on.)

Since this map is compatible with Slate and Construct; wouldn't it make sense to use Slate saves rather than making a new category?

code change:

saveName = "Plate" -> saveName = "Slate"

Since this map is compatible with Slate and Construct; wouldn't it make sense to use Slate saves rather than making a new category?

code change:

saveName = "Plate" -> saveName = "Slate"

then change the code, i have no objections
but i think its realy usefull when you save in Plate,
so you have less chaos in your save files.
and you can load Plate files in map Slate,
or Slate files into my Plate, that works 100%
and its easy

if someone dont know that
go into Load Bricks menu
and choose on top the map, you want load from
when you load files from Kitchen or Bedroom, the bricks appears far in the sky,
in map Salte and Plate

« Last Edit: August 29, 2008, 03:09:18 AM by BAC »

:O I saw this map in v2 in rtb :D

very nice: P

Dark version? :D

laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag when i look 2 far :iceCream:

ok thats just stupid. it looks like roblox.So not downloading

ok thats just stupid. it looks like roblox.So not downloading

STFU and GTFO Robloxian!

laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag when i look 2 far :iceCream:
ok thats just stupid. it looks like roblox.So not downloading

THIS IS backs plate :D
STFU and GTFO Robloxian!

Cease this friendry immediately!

Bump, as this is one of my favorite maps