Author Topic: Is Blockland rotting?  (Read 4483 times)

Blockland is starting to have more and more empty servers.
And with that, less players.
I'm starting to wonder if Blockland is gonna survive much longer,
It's really chilling to see if this game will die so soon

/discuss blockland's vanishing

No, I'm sure we'll be fine for a few more years if not longer.

This will be added to all of the many times Blockland has died.

I don't think it'll be dying any time soon, then summer rolls back around, mostly everyone is free from the edumacational system, so they have more time to play Blockland, then one day an update will happen and everyone will be happy and servers will be full

And then the amount of players and servers will die down again and we'll be back in this situation once the edumacation pulls everyone back and it's no longer summer and everyone will be sad and have frowns on their faces

I don't think it'll be dying any time soon, then summer rolls back around, mostly everyone is free from the edumacational system, so they have more time to play Blockland, then one day an update will happen and everyone will be happy and servers will be full

And then the amount of players and servers will die down again and we'll be back in this situation once the edumacation pulls everyone back and it's no longer summer and everyone will be sad and have frowns on their faces
^Yeah this is basically what happens

I love how one thread gets taken out of proportion, and suddenly Blockland is dying.

That is indeed a great image, but it does not apply at all here.

It's been 10 years, I mean, every game gotta die sooner or later.

not like it leaves us with a clean slate anyhow

Crazy is a shameless troll. There was a drama backfire on him, where it was uncovered how he spammed the Boss Battles server with research links and other messages of the sorts, insulted players etc.

Go away Crazy.

So long as it continues to make badspot money, it will exist

I do feel that he is becoming disinterested in updating the game, though

I do feel that he is becoming disinterested in updating the game, though


I think it's just you

Another thread to add to Badspot's "RIP Blockland" thread

Crazy is a shameless troll. There was a drama backfire on him, where it was uncovered how he spammed the Boss Battles server with research links and other messages of the sorts, insulted players etc.

Go away Crazy.
How does that have any relation to the topic?

In my opinion, a game that's been going for 10 years is long enough for a game. Since Badspot had put Blockland on steam, everyone suddenly thought the game was suddenly new again. This is what I don't get. I don't understand how, because a 10 year old game is on steam, it's suddenly classified as new. People expect more players whilst other people are leaving because they've played the game until they were bored of the game. Other people don't leave, but take breaks, sometimes long breaks. This is where the Add-on system kicks in. One reason why Badspot added the add-on system is so the game survives longer, as he doesn't have to make new things in the game, and even though you can't modify the engine with it, it still is extremely laid back, I haven't seen any other game that laid back on the add-ons part than Blockland, the closest I could think of is Gmod. Not just that, but it's easy to install the add-on. With Minecraft, you have to modify the main game files (.jar) to enable mods. Blockland is a simple download + move. No, it's not as simple as pressing a button and it's downloaded, but it's surely not modifying the game.
This allows for great flexibility with how you can add stuff to the game. He also created it because then he can focus on other games, not just Blockland. Also, playing games. Yes, he is getting paid to do this (keys), but Blockland, mostly because of the community (add-ons) is a big game, so the $20 I paid was worth it, and the $5 that people pay now is once again, worth it. Badspot made a great game, but that was in 2004. I'm really surprised he's actually bothering to look after the forums after everyone moaning at him. After 10 years I doubt Badspot has any motivation for the game, and I understand that. What was the biggest project you've done? Did it start 10 years ago? Are you still doing it now? Want to know why RTB was shut down? Ephi was an starfish, and was expecting that a game that is 10 years old should still be worked on, even though I think it's gone on long enough. I can literally imagine somebody else in a few months time doing a paragraph like this again, just because of a game that's too old.
In short, the game is at the time where it should die, but can revive itself if Badspot gets any motivation to continue Blockland.