Author Topic: Cordax's Medieval Armors  (Read 20863 times)

may i make a suggestion

if you want to handle a bunch of colors without having to create like 20 different datablocks each time, you should use the bot > mountobject method instead. name the parts you want to color as node names and then make it into a bot datablock. this way you can mount it to the player's head and have them decide the exact colors they want or you can decide through setNodeColor();

it's really efficient and you can essentially choose the exact color of each part if you want. it just requires like 60 extra lines of code

if you want to handle a bunch of colors without having to create like 20 different datablocks each time, you should use the bot > mountobject method instead. name the parts you want to color as node names and then make it into a bot datablock. this way you can mount it to the player's head and have them decide the exact colors they want or you can decide through setNodeColor();

it's really efficient and you can essentially choose the exact color of each part if you want. it just requires like 60 extra lines of code
I never really thought of adding that. I'm no scripter, but if you or someone would make an edit of one of the armor.cs to incorporate that, I would be more than happy to add it. I'm not sure how mounting it to the head would work though. Would it be possible to make it so the torso color determines the color?
« Last Edit: February 16, 2017, 07:51:26 PM by 8hbc »

I never really thought of adding that. I'm no scripter, but if you or someone would make an edit of one of the armor.cs to incorporate that, I would be more than happy to add it. I'm not sure how mounting it to the head would work though. Would it be possible to make it so the torso color determines the color?
thats perfectly possible. I could try working on a script and give it to you when its done

thats perfectly possible. I could try working on a script and give it to you when its done
Awesome. Doing it by torso color would be a lot more convenient than changing the node color for each armor.

you could also do torso > primary helmet color, shoulders/arms > detail color or whatever, it's very easy to change once its done

Reckon you could make a smaller tiara or something that would fit some other royalty than a king?

any possibility of doing any viking armor sets? i think it'd be a good addition to your pack because it would add more variety beyond plate armor/tunics or whatever. technically vikings were around in the late 11th-12th century and they were European so


Horns on helmets were never a thing.

I should really redo the norse helmet anyways.

So I've been working on a surcoat variant
deus vult

« Last Edit: March 18, 2017, 08:21:47 PM by 8hbc »

Made some cloaks

Because they're mounted to your head, you can't turn your head or it will clip. If anyone has a solution to this, do help
I'm using melee weapons, so every part above the pants rotates slightly with each swing. So mounting on the pants will cause your body to clip through the cloak

will have to use custom bots and separating hook from cloak if you want z turn to be allowed

I think I'm just going to try to disable head turning somehow

I think I'm just going to try to disable head turning somehow
in the datablock that has the playertype used for the melee weapons, replace headlook.dsq with a copy of root.dsq renamed to headlook.dsq