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Messages - Gravity Cat

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Modification Help / Re: Gravity Cat's Add-On Dump - New Dedicated Server!
« on: November 22, 2017, 06:24:20 AM »
Does anyone know how Greek2Me's Support_Updater works?


Modification Help / Re: Gravity Cat's Add-On Dump - New Dedicated Server!
« on: November 20, 2017, 05:19:53 PM »
It would be a shame if someone hosted a thing, wouldn't it?

Not me though, Alexblob is.

Modification Help / Re: Making a raycast bounce?
« on: September 06, 2015, 07:13:51 AM »
I have this old code snippet from god knows where that rotates vectors:
Code: [Select]
function VectorRotateAxis(%vector,%axis,%angle)
  %x = getWord(%vector,0);
  %y = getWord(%vector,1);
  %z = getWord(%vector,2);
  %u = getWord(%axis,0);
  %v = getWord(%axis,1);
  %w = getWord(%axis,2);
  %ux = %u * %x;
  %uy = %u * %y;
  %uz = %u * %z;
  %vx = %v * %x;
  %vy = %v * %y;
  %vz = %v * %z;
  %wx = %w * %x;
  %wy = %w * %y;
  %wz = %w * %z;
  %sa = mSin(%angle);
  %ca = mCos(%angle);
  %nx = %u*(%ux+%vy+%wz)+(%x*(%v*%v+%w*%w)-%u*(%vy+%wz))*%ca+(-%wy+%vz)*%sa;
  %ny = %v*(%ux+%vy+%wz)+(%y*(%u*%u+%w*%w)-%v*(%ux+%wz))*%ca+(%wx-%uz)*%sa;
  %nz = %w*(%ux+%vy+%wz)+(%z*(%u*%u+%v*%v)-%w*(%ux+%vy))*%ca+(-%vx+%uy)*%sa;
  return(%nx SPC %ny SPC %nz);
Rotating the raycast vector around the normal vector by 180° should give the results you want - assuming this piece of code actually works.

Modification Help / Re: Endless Zombies Modification
« on: September 03, 2015, 03:09:24 PM »
The gamemode uses a system where it has a list containing every enemy type, their looks (A separate list to allow randomization), their playertype, size, melee weapons, long range weapons, probability to spawn, images that are mounted upon spawning (for example particle effects or hats) and a class that allows players to enable/disable any specified class of enemy. The system provides two functions:

The below functions add a new type of enemy or boss for the gamemode to use.
Code: [Select]
name is simply the name of the enemy.
namelist is not used if I remember correctly. Just to make sure it should be set to the same value as name.
player_datablock is the PlayerData this enemy uses.
size is the enemys size.
list_of_melee_weapons is a string containing the names of melee weapons used. A random one is selected upon spawning.
list_of_ranged_weapons is the same as above, but ranged. Both values can be set to -1 to disable.
has_special_wave allows this enemy to be used in special waves (which occur randomly), in which only this type of enemy will spawn.
spawn_propability is the likelihood of this enemy spawning. I can't remember exactly how it determines that.
class is the name of the enemy class.

To allow players the disabling of enemy classes, one has to add a Slayer hook:
Code: [Select]
Slayer.Prefs.addPref("EZM","Allow Soldier Zombies","%mini.EZM_AllowSoldierZombies","bool",1,0,1,-1,"Rules EZM Mode");
The second value is what shows up in Slayer, the third is the string used in class. The "%mini." must be there or it won't work. Nothing else must be changed there.

This one adds apperances for a specific enemy or boss. Any enemy/boss can have an infinite number of different appearances, from which the gamemode selects a random one when it spawns that enemy.
Code: [Select]
function EZM_addAppearance(name,appearance,hide_nodes,face_decal,chest_decal,mounted_image)
name refers to the enemy name (name in EZM_addZombie).
appearance is a list of nodes and their colors (e.g. "headskin 1 1 1 1 lhand 0 0 0 0.5" sets the enemy head to white and makes the left hand black semitransparent). It must follow the pattern (nodename, red, green, blue, alpha,...) or it won't work. Nodes that are invisible will be turned visible.
hide_nodes is a list of nodes that will be hidden (e.g. "chest lshoe rshoe").
face_decal is the name of the face decal used.
face_decal is the name of the chest decal used.
mounted_image is the ShapeBaseImageData that will be mounted to the enemy when it spawns.

So instead of trying to mod the gamemode so the zombies don't spawn with weapons you could simply change their parameters in zombies.cs so they won't have any weapons. Or add your own weaponless enemies. But that's boring. How about giving them all rapid-fire rocketlaunchers?

And if you want to disable bosses you can just set "Add Boss every X Waves" to 10000. I set the limit for that to 50, but after changing the "int 0 50" to "int 0 10000" at line 27 in basic.cs you can do that.
Code: [Select]
Slayer.Prefs.addPref("EZM","Add Boss every X Waves","%mini.EZM_BossCountInc","int 0 10000",20,0,1,-1,"Rules EZM Mode");

Creativity / Re: Game Design Megathread
« on: August 27, 2015, 09:51:47 AM »

4 way tetris game I'm involved in. Pretty addictive, surprisingly :o
Looks cool, but how does it work?

Creativity / Re: Game Design Megathread
« on: August 18, 2015, 06:01:59 AM »
I've been working on a metroidvania style I wanna be the guy fangame. At first it's just generic platforming, but as you progress you will get items and abilities, and more paths will open up to explore. Here's a neat little effect I made.
That's pretty cool. Though the extreme theme change is a bit weird imo.

Creativity / Re: Game Design Megathread
« on: August 17, 2015, 06:19:08 AM »
Currently I'm working on adding a map to my rts that will contain informations about where units can go and if they receive various buffs/debuffs from specific areas. It is a simple sphere that is generated together with the actual planet, the information is stored in the vertex colors. Once done it will also serve as base for the pathfinding. I already prototyped that like a year ago in Blender and just have to copypaste basically.

Another question that needs answering is which buffs should be displayed and how?

Games / Re: So my friend calls Wolfenstein Unrealistic.
« on: August 09, 2015, 06:11:34 AM »
9:02 PM - Rex The Hunter: Oh just because they didn't want to cause WWIII!? EH!?
9:02 PM - Agent TigerVIB: wtf do you mean?
9:03 PM - Rex The Hunter: Do you realise if they had actual germans acting the germans would possibly cause WWIII.

Creativity / Re: Game Design Megathread
« on: August 05, 2015, 04:14:55 PM »

After realizing that animating the oceans for my RTS by moving UV coordinates around or using animated textures is stupid, I wrote a shader that lets me control the flow direction of the water with normal maps. This was also sorta helpful.

Now I just have to figure out a way to generate the flow map for oceans...

Off Topic / Re: how to get a puppy to stop biting cords!?!?!
« on: July 31, 2015, 07:20:25 AM »
After my kitty bit the cord of my headphones and my N64 controller I kept throwing pillows at him until he stopped.

Creativity / Re: Game Design Megathread
« on: July 27, 2015, 01:01:55 AM »
The other thing that really bugs is me is options. I want my games to have a standard options menu that covers stuff like resolution, v-sync, graphical effects, different audio settings etc as any normal game should have. Maybe it's because most devs don't look into it, but it seems like most Unity games rely on the stupid launcher at the beginning.
The launcher can be disabled and pretty much anything can be made an option inside the game.

Creativity / Re: Game Design Megathread
« on: July 26, 2015, 05:58:23 PM »
Prototype playtests have come back green. The only potential problem is that I have been barred from using Unreal 4; I have to use Unity which I'm not confident with and lacks a lot of the cool features I wanted to make use of.

That said, I plan on doing everything I do in Unity this term in Unreal 4 as well so I can compare which is easier, which means I'll have a base for the public release version.
Why don't they let you use UE4?

Creativity / Re: Game Design Megathread
« on: July 21, 2015, 04:24:08 PM »

Atmospheres! And nukes.


Unity works just fine for me, I've never had to over complicated anything like that.
I have to agree with you there.

After some more refining it does start to look decent:

Oh yeah I remember playing this a lot with a friend some time ago, fun times. Now that I have a slightly better potato I probably should install it again.

Creativity / Re: Game Design Megathread
« on: July 04, 2015, 01:43:34 PM »

Working on minimaps, amongst other things.

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