Author Topic: Gag Mute  (Read 7832 times)

Gag Mute
Version 1.0

/gag [name]
/ungag [name]

Translates all chat from the gagged player into ballgag.
Ballgag persists through deaths and won't get overwritten by other images. Filter and ballgag do not persist between reconnects.

Pecon - Code.
Trogtor - Model.
Dominoes - Test subject. Probably consented to this.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2019, 02:13:59 AM by Pecon »

look mom thats me
oh wait, she tickled me after the screenshot was taken
nevermind go back
« Last Edit: January 26, 2019, 10:21:19 PM by Rocket Launcher »

don't worry, the ballgag is comfortable.

Idk, do you think a publicly released "Gag Mute" is acceptable? Back in the day this dumb stuff would be failed on the spot, mainly for lack of creativity. This mod could have easily been passed around through friends/people who actually wanted to use it - but no it has to become a public appraisal right?  "HEY EVERYONE! - SOMEONE MADE AN ADD-ON THAT BALLGAGS PEOPLE. BAHAHAHA" It's so funny when your an imbecile isn't it? I guess it is a joke after all....albeit a lame one

BTW I reported this add-on for being a loveual :cookieMonster:

Dominoes didn't deserve such a brutal treatment

oooh yessssssssss ohhh yeeeammph mph mmmmph mmffmf mpm~

what the forget phantos