Author Topic: Stupid things you get in trouble for at Home  (Read 1938 times)

I get scolded for burping the names of various american forest trees.
"OOOOAAAAkool kids klubKK" - "That's disghusting! Excuse you!"
That is understandable to me.

This is probably going to need some context. Usually my Mom says for me to get out a drink for her before she gets home she's fine when I do... But when I don't, she gets angry and not the outburst type of angry the silent, stewing type of angry the type that can burst at any minute if you're not careful. "Hey mom? Wheres the asprin? It's not in my bathroom." "I don't loving know where the asprin is! LOOK FOR IT!"

not throwing out the trash like every second when it gets full

I mean come on, how the forget am I going to know when it's full at the exact moment

Sometimes I even get in trouble for throwing it out when it wasn't too full, and apparently we could've thrown something away in the bag instead of using another bag. There is no end.

I also get in trouble for not mowing the lawn, when it needs to be mowed. Oh did my mention I have to mow it if I've put it off, even if it's raining? Yep.

Also, my parents think I am some computer god, so when something strange happens on a computer they expect me to fix it or blame me for the issue. And when the internet is slow they sometimes blame me as well because of the "games I'm playing", they don't understand that our ISP sucks richard and I tell them to switch to a better one but they're like "it takes too much work! We've had this one for years!" "Exactly. We've had a stuffty ISP for years" "what does ISP mean?" "/facepalm"
« Last Edit: May 20, 2014, 12:53:19 PM by Nobot »

I get in trouble when my sister is bothering me and my dad always assumes I'm the one causing the trouble
You and I are in the same boat. I have three times the trouble since I have four sisters (but one is a baby)

Oh yeah I do have one

When I post jokes on facebook someone tells me off.

I get in trouble for having misophonia

I got yelled at from my mom a while ago for yelling while I was talking to my friend.
Her response was "Quit screaming at your computer!"

jesus your guys' parents are starfishs

my parents never get angry at me like ever

In the end, if you don't respect your parents, check who feeds you.

My dad works and my mom sits on her ass to Facebook all day.
My dad feeds me and my mom begins arguments with me, my sister and my brother for no loving reason.
My dad would leave work to bring me something I forgot. My mom would tell me that I'm screwed and should be more responsible the next time.

We have really thin walls in the apartments I live in, and sometimes my little brother will screech at the top of his lungs in the room right next to mine to annoy me, and when I come out and tell him to stop, my mom tells me to stop yelling at him.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)‎

Also, my parents think I am some computer god, so when something strange happens on a computer they expect me to fix it or blame me for the issue. And when the internet is slow they sometimes blame me as well because of the "games I'm playing", they don't understand that our ISP sucks richard and I tell them to switch to a better one but they're like "it takes too much work! We've had this one for years!" "Exactly. We've had a stuffty ISP for years" "what does ISP mean?" "/facepalm"

This happens to me too,