Author Topic: ★★STEAM BEGGING THREAD★★  (Read 3056 times)

Time for a new OP I think.
Post your wishlists on steam and give us a reason of why you're begging for games.

I'll start.

I am begging for games because I have no money left as I got fired on Wednesday, and all my savings have gone to my trip to america.

Something to note: it's way more likely that someone will but you a game if you actually have a reason (don't have credit card, parents are out of town, sale ends today, etc.) Don't be a bunch of greedy pricks again like the last begging thread. Because of all the people begging for games because they didn't want to spend the money, I got frustrated and didn't buy anyone anything for the winter sale. Whereas in the summer sale before that, I spent over 100 dollars on games for other people that actually had legitimate reasons to beg

Well I could go to detail into the reason of why I lost about £1000 of savings ($1600USD) is because I went to Africa for three months, helping orphans and the vulnerable by building a school in a tiny village with no electricity, running water which I also lived in for those three months, in which I ate the same food as the locals and slept on a hard wooden floor.
But I prefer to not beg for sympathy.

All I'm looking for is someone willing to lend me $20 for Rust or Nether (you can decide which one you want to buy me) which shall be returned when I have a job again.

helo i am furdl i rely want gam pls buy thank i probalby not ban u idk i mite forget

helo i didn help child in afreka bt can u stil buy me game prizon arcitect,,,

Well I could go to detail into the reason of why I lost about £1000 of savings ($1600USD) is because I went to Africa for three months, helping orphans and the vulnerable by building a school in a tiny village with no electricity, running water which I also lived in for those three months, in which I ate the same food as the locals and slept on a hard wooden floor.
But I prefer to not beg for sympathy.

All I'm looking for is someone willing to lend me $20 for Rust or Nether (you can decide which one you want to buy me) which shall be returned when I have a job again.
Yea I didn't have a problem with your reason, it was just from the previous begging thread. This is actually a great example of what I'm talking about, especially the last few sentences

I am using proper English. Will you buy me a copy of anything on my Steam wish list?

banished pls

gas is expensive and I am unable to get a steady job because of rigorous academic study

Check my steam wishlist

banished pls

gas is expensive and I am unable to get a steady job because of rigorous academic study

Any game on my steam wishlist please. I have no way of getting a steam card since my mom won't let me buy one.

I would politely ask for Starbound.

Uh sure ok...only have two games so I'll take almost anything.  Might take me a long time to get it on Steam though, since I can't download from home.