
Is Ekko OP?

He's strong.
Definitely not.
He's weak.

Author Topic: (]League of Legends[) - Ekko released!  (Read 162361 times)

Tibbers udyr? eh?
It's Definitely Not Udyr.

His other forms get funny mascot costumes as well.

New skins so sick haha

What are yall's thought on bard?
I've been experimenting with a lot of different builds, and had a lot of success with ap cdr tank builds.
Ad is loving terrible.
Anyone else tried anything interesting?

Here's one of my match's. The nashor's tooth proved pretty useless but the rest of the build felt really nice. (yes jungle bard)

Here's one of my match's.
Why CDR boots, you already have over 40% without them

seems interesting though

Why CDR boots, you already have over 40% without them

seems interesting though
yeah i didn't really plan it out but i'll probably swap them out with mercs or tabi next time maybe even sorcs idk

5-0 top lane bard game, rushed roa and was building iceborn at surrender
« Last Edit: March 14, 2015, 03:52:02 AM by Ticonderoga »

I like playing bard but for every good bard in my game there are like 5 bad ones. I was playing fizz and using my e to gap cl9se to someone who was running from the fight and our bard froze me and ran away and got me killed

I like playing bard but for every good bard in my game there are like 5 bad ones. I was playing fizz and using my e to gap cl9se to someone who was running from the fight and our bard froze me and ran away and got me killed
If you are still on NA we should play and ill show you my bard skillz

Does anyone want to play with me?

Im terrible I promise.

Went bananas and picked up Fizz jungle without doing any research. Of course i had a mirror lmao. Had no idea what I was building, went AD.. with trinity force and was about to start bork. I've heard Fizz ad top is a thing.. so i guessed you built him ad jungle. My mirror went the original route with lich bane. We did well, had great ganks and they surrendered. 1v1 my mirror. I must have done something right I guess. Haha.. just throwing myself out there like that..

did you go red smite? i've been looking to pick up ad fizz jungle

fizz jungle you go for either the skirmishers sabre for dueling potential or rangers for faster clear either way you get the devourer enchant
i like the rangers more for the clear but higher elo mostly play with sabre only
then botrk > tri or iceborn depending on how youre doing and what the other teams comp is like then go tanky items like frozen heart, randuins, spirit visage, banshees, warmogs
top lane fizz you'd want to build tri first, but in the jungle you need the sustain and damage of botrk first

good alternative items are frozen mallet(stick to your enemies for days), hourglass(yolo plays), maw(mr+ad), ie(tons of dmg)
dont forget about boot enchants, i like to go with furor, esp when i dont have tri it makes up for the lack of phage passive

skill order max w first then e then q, but you want to take q lvl 2 to clear big minions faster as it does more damage than e

you can choose boots depending on matchups mr, armor, berserkers or cd. i mostly build berserkers to speed clear and increase dps
for runes you go for as like jax and 21/9/0 masteries

fizz is very item reliant with botrk being the core item for him allowing him to do 8% of max health on aa with w active
early game might need to rely on landing your ult for the amplified damage, but after completing botrk you can easily take out squishier targets
you can still easily gank a laner early if they are around half hp as w does % damage of missing health

fizz deals a lot of magic and ad damage so it's hard to itemize against him
« Last Edit: March 18, 2015, 05:26:14 PM by Anybody »

I'm personally finding Zed mid/jungle really fun, mostly successful. Bot lane ganks are pretty easy, if set up properly. Except when theres a kayle, then im basically useless until someone baits her to use her ult, but she wont. I wanna try out Nasus and Vi next, especially Nas sounds fun. Any mastery suggestions for those guys would help a bunch, because im clueless atm.  Also, i've been seeing Dianas do major work as top, mid, and JG lately.

i call mid first as yasuo, 3 calls later a zed calls mid and locks in and i switch to support, he then proceeds to feed their annie and we lose