Author Topic: Intrusive thoughts are ruining my life  (Read 5189 times)

peebs do you like my balls in yo jaws

You need to seek professional help ASAP, OP. This is not normal.

My mother has psychosis. Before she started taking meds she'd say things like you are saying, describing that she felt as if someone was controlling her brain.

Oppression possibly, but not that kind.

i think it was just an episode, cause when im not thinking about it then im good. do i still believe that they can read my mind? absolutely. basically im just gonna try to forget it, and when it does cross my mind just be like lol k idc. cuz im not scitzophrenic or anything I think its just paranoia.
if you still believe that people can read your mind you need to talk to a psychologist. that is a delusion that could get worse. it is not a normal thing to think that anyone can hear your thoughts.

if you still believe that people can read your mind you need to talk to a psychologist. that is a delusion that could get worse. it is not a normal thing to think that anyone can hear your thoughts.

Not anyone only a specific group duh.

all i have are intrusive thoughts

bruh if you really schizophrenic you just learn to live with the shadow people
get some seroquel/quitiapine

[img ][/img]

This guy looks exactly like me from above sadly. I'm pretty sure we'd look exactly the same on almost any surveillance camera unless it was very lit and right on his face. :\

all i have are intrusive thoughts
you're being controlled by the REAL awesomebread

if you still believe that people can read your mind you need to talk to a psychologist. that is a delusion that could get worse. it is not a normal thing to think that anyone can hear your thoughts.
this tbh. even if you’re talking your thoughts out loud, unless its rather loud most people wouldnt even notice

People are too busy with their own stuff to ever spare a moment about what you're thinking, nobody can read minds, this isn't X-Men. The only people who care about what you're thinking on a regular basis are your friends and family. What you've convinced yourself of is nonsensical at best and a delusion at worst, get medical help before your situation declines.

- snip- The only people who care about what you're thinking on a regular basis are your friends and family. -snip-

to be fair quite a few big businesses also do.