Author Topic: [Brick] Tank trap  (Read 8019 times)

A simple tank trap (also known as a Czech hedgehog) brick I made for an upcoming server.

Has basic x4 cube collision and an icon. Findable under 'special - misc'.

Tiles really nicely if you rotate it, as seen below.

« Last Edit: July 31, 2016, 08:38:12 PM by TheArmyGuy »

tanks a lot

armyunit joke

this tHread is gonna be full of bad puns, i guarantee it

Looks pretty good. Would be nice if it had more than just square collision though.

this is quality content

make a dts collision shape for it though

this tread is gonna be full of spikes, i guarantee it

If you'd release it as a dts file I think it would be awesome as a plantable trap for vehicles

pompmakers hate them
BLF gold

tank trap?

I don't see what the fuss is about

link to the turret plx

>blockland vehicle physics

nice job though!