Author Topic: GRTB : Return To Blockland - Update 2.5  (Read 64778 times)

gothboy's return to blockland sounds like a horribly written adventure story

Looked in the code, almost every single file has gothboy in it, lol. Here's server.cs's first three lines for example:
Code: [Select]
//-RTB Server Support : Modifed By Gothboy-//
Every single .cs file his this in there. Why? What's the point? Remove every single one of these and you could have a much much smaller file size.
Thats actually a lot smaller compared to what the beginning of what every script file used to be
Code: [Select]
//#   Return to Blockland - Version 4
//#   -------------------------------------------------------------------------
//#      $Rev: 493 $
//#      $Date: 2013-04-21 12:48:33 +0100 (Sun, 21 Apr 2013) $
//#      $Author: Ephialtes $
//#      $URL: $
//#      $Id: client.cs 493 2013-04-21 11:48:33Z Ephialtes $
//#   -------------------------------------------------------------------------
//#   Client Initiation
A lot of unnecessary symbols and space?

And the name. It's not Gothboy's Return to Blockland, It's Gothboy's Modified RTB.
Get it right. I did not make RTB. Why is everyone assuming I am trying to "claim RTB as mine" when this isn't the case at all?

The GUI's are organized in the same way that the original GUI's are organized, I just used my own art, and on the manual when you hover over a selection on the left, it highlights.
With the exception of the Groups and Chat GUI's. I changed them up the most

Pretty sure the namecheck is for client scripts? Every variation of RTB has this file. As for the rtbinfo.txt, I use that to keep track of the current version number.

Gothboy's Modified RTB.
GRTB implies gothboy's rtb
GMRTB doesn't

which one is it. two initialisms, two different meanings. consistency is lacking

what people are asking is why the hell do you need your name plastered on everything? ephialtes didn't name his mod "ephialtes' return to blockland" and have his name all over the damn thing, so why should yours?

Do you even know what hell your talking about? I did no such thing.
Except it's nothing like that at all. Did you not read the first page. Any of you?
There's a loving credits page RIGHT THERE. It clearly states that Ephi made the original RTB
which we all know. Hell, I was one of the main members of the RTB forums before Ephi shut them down. I knew him decently well, we used to build on Badspots Block Party all the time. Ephi never really liked chatting over IRC but I got him to a few times :3

Annnyyyywayyyyyyssss. Im gonna load on a bowl and get to working on some more mods

:) have fun in this topic guys, I gots work to dooz
Your a loving prick now.

Your solution to this thread being pushed into drama is to make a new one to bypass the thread being put in drama.
The bit at the end makes you sound like a idiot, also you eradicated every other mention of Ephialtes except for the Credits section, that's even more of you showing your huge ego around.

I'm pretty sure bypassing and addon that's been pushed into drama by cross posting is a ban, your just covering it up by shoving all your other stuff into the same thread so it isn't a exact repost of your GRTB Thread.

But isn't the catch bout your mod the size?
It shouldn't matter if you don't have that in there right?
Ephi has all of that information in there for backups, revisions, etc.
In fact I believe that header is added either by TorqueDev or Torsion.
Both excellent software for making Torque scripts I believe Ephi used.

I was never Banned from the RTB forum O.o

Hey, your the master of copyright knowledge and all. So tell me, do you think he stole the idea/add-on?
Wheres the work you're dooz?

why the forget do you need to include mexicutionist in the credits
it's like you want people to not take this seriously

Why is this in the drama section?

Why is this in the drama section?
Because Goth is infringing on the Copyright that Ephialtes holds on the RTB mod, and is going on a power trip thinking he can do whatever he wants with it just because it's the internet.

Because Goth is infringing on the Copyright that Ephialtes holds on the RTB mod, and is going on a power trip thinking he can do whatever he wants with it just because it's the internet.
No he's not? It clearly is not using any copyrighted materials.

I just read the credits and saw something... what the forget. Not only does it use Copywrite license protected work, but then he also took stuff from the other competing mods? Lmao.

I've messed with some images to show you what I mean

(i also removed some embarrassing things you should keep in mind)

What this shows is that your failed pixel art style and rtb's simplistic style don't mix. They clash together, forever in a war for superiority. I recommend you remake all the icons to be in the failed pixel art style, or find a simplistic replacement for the icons you edited. One style or the other, can't have both at the same time.

Also. we could make your logo much simpler.

Much better! Less to read. no weird dash. I would be totally okay with this. It's not forcing your name down my eyes, while still keeping what I like to call the spirit of your add-on, the GRTB acronym. Also, in case you haven't noticed, the above image previews this logo in the manual gui!

These problems could easily be fixed. Let me go over them again.

Your pixel art style and rtb's original style don't match. They are clashing together badly.
Possible solution 1: Remake all of rtb's original icons to be in your pixel style like you have already done for a few icons (Recommended: You already have a set style)
Possible solution 2: Look around for some simplistic icons to replace the ones you edited. Make sure they match rtb's old style

Your logos and guis seem to force your name down people's eyes
Possible solution 1: Remove everything relating to you, change the name etc.
Possible solution 2: Edit the logos and guis a bit to retain the spirit of the mod but simply don't make it force your name down our eyes (Recommended: Less work)

I'm not mad, I'm not flaming, I'm giving suggestions what actually needs improvement.

Just tossing this out there, RTB's icons was from the famfamfam's icons.
Man are they awesome, I absolutely love them.

Just tossing this out there, RTB's icons was from the famfamfam's icons.
Man are they awesome, I absolutely love them.
Perfect. Gothboy, you could use these to spruce up your mod if you don't want to remake every icon.