Author Topic: Blockland Unofficial Discord Server  (Read 20373 times)

How is this off topic

Doesn't actually pertain to Blockland itself, that's why

ayy fam got u some text

Clockturn, BL_ID 4332, clockler#0291 on discord over here, just so you know who I am (forum account is less than obvious). Bravo on gathering this many wilful contrarians to the Blockland Discord. But IMHO I don't really think we need a Discord for a hundred varieties of off-topic chat, rather it's good for providing an actual community hub style dealie so people can actually talk about the game. So here's what I think you could do to make it a better *Blockland* Discord (in about a gorillion words):

Collapse text channels:
The #games-ylyl, #games-ycyl and #games-room can easily be merged to an #ot-games channel. This will increase discussion, generally, and if people want to talk in-depth about other games they'll probably go to a chat associated with those games anyway, ya see?
#bots-room is pretty much unnecessary (I don't see AIRHORN SOLUTIONS here, anyway). #code-room, #creative-room, #music-room can easily be merged to a single #off-topic section, possibly plus an #ot-work channel for people posting specifically about WIPs and discussing them (regardless of medium).
#dark-room is good. We call it a meme vent elsewhere, and it provably has raised discussion quality on all four servers I've seen implement it. We found its efficacy to be raised by using irony, so I propose removing #rp-room and renaming #dark-room to that.
#nsfw-room, on the other hand, has no place on this Christian LEGO building blocks chat. Sarcasm aside, that sort of thing should be kept to PMs. People who feel the need to publicize how totally cool they are by linking research or gore are the sort of people who raise average quality by being gone, but just not supporting that kind of behaviour is helpful enough. Basically: Blockland's community is a cesspool, don't let your server be one too. I'm not saying go full carebear, just don't encourage properly awful behaviour by providing a "safe space" for it.
So that'd leave you with #welcome, #blockland, #off-topic, #ot-games, maybe #ot-work and #dork-room - plus n different gamemode channels, if the authors would like to use them.

Make channels for popular gamemodes:
This means Boss Battles, CRPGs, probably Prison Escape I guess. On the note of my own disgust at these: being impartial is worthwhile, it makes people actually trust you to run things, and that encourages them to actually use them. Supporting discussion of gamemodes makes it easier for authors to coordinate with their players, and to gather feedback, which will help them to author better gamemodes. If people don't care about those gamemodes, they can just mute the channels - if that seems like an organization or bloat concern, this is how the Discord API developers' server is organized and it has channels for 14 different API wrappers. The day Blockland has 14 different reasonably well-developed gamemodes that are actively played, someone flag me on Discord and I will literally eat my hat.
At the same time, encourage people to share new gamemodes, and support giving authors their own channels so they can use them to disseminate information - like telling people when they're hosting, if their game is only periodically hosted, or answering common questions in the channel topic. Forums are a generally dying thing, and for good reason - they kill productivity while not even having the common decency to be a particularly good solution for communication. Not that Discord is much better tho amirite
If that seems like too much work, letting other people manage that is totally possible (manage server permission, obviously). I'd advocate for myself, of course, but you don't know me and I'd say you'd be in the right not to take that at face value; but I've been around for a while, my badmin days are behind me and I'm pretty much 100% divested from the actual Blockland community and its dramas - hell, I barely even play, but Blockland was too important growing up (sad lyfe) for me to ditch it completely. Or give up hope on it ever improving, apparently.
For gamemodes that want to use their own Discord, keep a list post of invites to those in #welcome so people can easily find them if they want to get in on that discussion. Like I said, acting as a community hub can help to make the community better.

Better voice channels, too:
Blockland has no inbuilt voice chat so having good support on a community server would be nice. Have two (maybe even three) general voice channels, so if someone puts a music bot in one people who want to discuss quietly can talk in others, or if just a few people are discussing one thing and a few another they can also split.
Extending a hand for adding a voice channel for different gamemodes would be nice, too. Two for gamemodes that are teambased, probably.

Sorry to wall you in, read at your leisure though. I'd just rather give in-depth feedback; I guess some little part of me just wants Blockland to clean up and get off the meth already. The community is a mess, and you've already got a little platform going to maybe fix it a bit, if that's something you'd like to do. Yeah, I'm a sap, sue me.

can't mention so I guess I'll flag you on discord
this is what happens when I get a surprise day off.

For the rest of you bastards feel free to discuss how all my ideas are terrible, change is bad, improvement is overrated and how you'd rather just stuffpost and play prison escape for eternity I guess
or discuss other ideas for changes, that could also be a thing

This is still alive? Haven't really been around since I got demodded lol, metro pls update the op

my apologies, i just now read this. thanks for the useful advice, server's been dead for a while and we could use some livening up

This is still alive? Haven't really been around since I got demodded lol, metro pls update the op

i'll do it today

« Last Edit: June 30, 2016, 07:40:31 PM by hotremox »

The link is broken fam just create a new one.

i didn't even know this was still a thing