Author Topic: League of Legends - "The Enemies Inhibitor is respawning soon!"  (Read 153817 times)

The cheapest champions are old ones that exemplify major roles pretty well and are pretty easy to play relative to their role. Master Yi has a good deal of passive strength and 3 of his abilities don't need a target; this makes him extremely easy to play if you're still getting used to the control scheme.

For nidalee, AD is good to get a high DPS and farm in the mid-game. Your other options are mana/CD for support/farm and AP for burst/range damage. You can't match the sustained DPS of AD nid until you get both CD and AP, which takes 40 minutes to get to good levels. People tend to prefer AP nidalee so that they can deal a lot of damage to champions from a safe range, because she's pretty squishy and doesn't have any good escaping until 6, plus her real AD power comes at 6. Personally I go mana/CD with a lane partner and spam traps and heals. AD nid is very rare because not many players both really want to deal damage to champions and are patient enough to wait until level 6 to do it at all. Most people are only willing to wait that long for a real assassin, like Akali, Katarina, or Kassadin.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2012, 06:52:20 PM by Mr. Wallet »


i had my first pretty good game as a jungler, and i completely thought we were going to lose.

our jax was afk, so he randomed and had smite. fortunately, they had 2 dc's. a friend who was graves was super fed, and before i even realized it, i was too.

8/1/11 yay shaco

the forget
is the new champion a horse helmet or wat

Centaur, calling it now.

I'll maintain that the best time for League is 4:00 AM.

In my experience all the cranky people are all playing at 4:00AM for me

rumble it is
« Last Edit: April 04, 2012, 08:33:46 AM by Jetlok »

a headless horseman would be cooler than a centaur  :panda:

So if you enjoy leveling your lance and charging headlong into the brunt of the enemy

seems like some sort of jousting thing

a headless horseman would be cooler than a centaur  :panda:

seems like some sort of jousting thing


Yay corki on sale. I've been needing a new AD Carry and I've always wanted one of the hybrid-ish ones like Corki/Ezreal. So I bought Corki and Fisherman Fizz Skin.

Yay corki on sale. I've been needing a new AD Carry and I've always wanted one of the hybrid-ish ones like Corki/Ezreal. So I bought Corki and Fisherman Fizz Skin.
If you had started playing earlier, you would have free Corki with the UFO skin.

ookool kids klubkkokokok what about
a headless jousting centaur knight?!?


honestly it sounds like a jousting centaur.
We here at Riot Games make every effort to ensure that our stable of champions is as diverse as possible. Still, even after the addition of Sejuani to the League of Legends, there are those cavalry enthusiasts out there who would contend that the greatest warriors ride horses. For you purists, we’d like to propose an alternative point of view. It is our opinion that the most epic warriors are themselves at least 50% equine. And as evidence of this theory it is our pleasure to present Hecarim, the Shadow of War.
So if you enjoy leveling your lance and charging headlong into the brunt of the enemy ranks leaving only the trampled corpses of lesser foes in your wake, we’re pretty sure that Hecarim, the Shadow of War will have you chomping at the bit come next patch!
« Last Edit: April 04, 2012, 02:41:43 PM by SpreadsPlague »