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Topics - Alkatjo

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Off Topic / Why does the US government lie?
« on: August 01, 2015, 02:43:34 PM »
There are so many loving things the government has kept secret or killed people over because they don't want change, or innovation, they just want to keep everyone fat and happy with a splash of capitalism. We could've had cars that ran on water, we could've had the means for more efficient energy consumption. There are tons of inventions and oddities, that we could've had, but the inventors either "died" of unknown reason or suddenly vanished.

There's a video out there on the web, a documentary of some sorts, that explains how the 4 major banking companies are also the 4 major gas companies and so forth, and how they pay to get by with stuff that the government would say "no" to. Stuff like bribing news companies about false articles and funding "black projects", which cost millions mind you.

Off Topic / I think my mom just left us.
« on: July 22, 2015, 05:25:09 PM »
My parents have been arguing for a while, money has been tight and I've had to devote my job just to help pay bills. My mom has been depressed because she says she can't ever get out of the house and she thinks my dad "has it made" because he travels to work on electrical stuff. This has slowly built up into the fiasco that was the argument just minutes ago. I don't think she's coming back. I don't like when my parents fight, let alone scream at each other. I told them to quit and be tone down but was yelled at.

I don't know what goes on through her head, but I think she's gone batstuff crazy. I know where all our money has gone to now, redbull, cigarettes, and pot. And honestly, it doesn't surprise me. I'm stuck at this point because she took our car and everyone's flipping stuff. It's like she isn't my mom anymore.

I don't know what to do. I need advice. Help?

Off Topic / Stephen Hawking aids hunt for new life.
« on: July 22, 2015, 02:33:47 PM »
This was a project announced two days ago, Stephen Hawking is pouring 100 million into the hunt for life beyond earth. The project is called 'Breakthrough Listen'. They have some sort of telescope like machine that will brown townyze the depths of space for radio waves and beams. This machine also appears to be able to detect electric currents light years away.

What's ironic about this is Stephen himself said he feared the search for new life, because it/they could destroy humanity itself. Think about it, we have a long history of mistreating/massacring ourselves, who's to say aliens wouldn't do the same? Think Columbus.

Here is the full article if you want a quick read, I just thought it was cool that someone is finally taking initiative to understand or find more about space, and not shooting the idea down that there might be something out there.

Games / The extreme lack of Coop focused rpg games.
« on: June 19, 2015, 11:31:11 PM »
System shock 2 was .90 cents so me and a friend picked it up. I read that the game had multiplayer that was kind of added in last minute. And some of you that know the game may think "Well, that's kind of dumb. What's the point of that?" because the entire design around the game is to make the player scared, your alone on a space station and have to trek through multiple levels and solve puzzles/gain access cards and such. You would think that multiplayer would ruin it right? Wrong. I don't know what happened but it did the opposite of what I thought it would do. Having a second player explore the empty dark halls of von braun with you actually made it scarier for us.
We were concerned more about each others well being more than our own. And, as glitchy and buggy as it was, it was fun!

That got me thinking, because after we finished the game, we tried searching for another horror survival rpg-esque game but to no avail. Anything that had anything to do with rpg instantly had borderlands stapled all over it and im sick of it. Im not talking about conventional mmos here, although one does barely make the cut, and that's vindictus, im talking about a game with enough story driven gameplay to make both players equally as happy. I can't find anything that has a good story but also lets a second player share the experience with you. I don't even care what time period its in as long as it has solid gameplay and a mechanic that makes players work together.

Games like the elder scrolls and fallout could easily take advantage of a drop in/out coop system, I can't correctly word this but its as almost as it brings out another hidden..."sense"? I guess you could say? It just, overall enlightens the gameplay.

So that leaves me here hoping to hear from someone with suggestions about other games that they've had considerable amounts of fun playing with another person(s).

Creativity / Alkatjo's Doodads. [One art a day maybe?]
« on: May 15, 2015, 12:25:20 AM »
A little back story before i post, a while back i had this dream about a game i was creating. It was supposed to be inspired by pixel-esque beet em' ups with more emphasis on story. The game would play similarly to Scott Pilgrim and cave story, set between a semi 3d and 2d plane. Anyway, when i woke up i jotted down a couple ideas and concepts for a game. I have no knowledge on how to run or put together a game, so im just going to throw these concepts out there until i find the knowledge to get started.

So far i have nothing but character concepts but hey its a start.

Alright, first guy.
(I need a name for him)

Backstory: Supposed to be the Main Character's lost brother, Brothers live poor in a city apartment, younger brother comes home to find blood on the walls and no body. A note is left telling the Younger brother about the murder of the older brother (this is what makes the younger one start his adventure i guess). Anyway this guy ended up joining a cult to protect his brother but the cult made him wear a mask that contains an evil spirit, he's not entirely good but not that bad either. An Anti Hero at some times.

Anyway, constructive critCIAm is welcomed because there's always room for improvement.

Off Topic / Describe the worst pain with an image or gif.
« on: April 08, 2015, 06:20:49 PM »
Describe the worst pain you've ever experienced physically or emotionally with an image or gif.
I'll start.

Off Topic / Discussion on space travel.
« on: February 24, 2015, 01:17:15 AM »
Before I begin, I'd like to point out a few things, ever since I was a kid I've loved everything space. The concept of finding new planets, intergalactic wars, aliens, new flora and fauna. All of it is so mind boggling, just take a moment and look up. Look at what's out there, its fascinating that there is so much, yet so much of it is ignored. Yeah we have space stations and telescopes, but its not good enough. I watched the movie interstellar and it truly kept me on my seat, that's how good of a movie it was, I wasn't in a movie theater, no, I was in a shuttle. A shuttle heading to vast new worlds for exploration. As I walked out of that theater I took a moment and just looked up. Empty space, stars, the moon it was all there. Its so close yet so far away, and that's what I hate the most. Being born in this time period, its not likely that me, you, or anyone will get the chance to actually go to any other planet than mars. I've read reports about an "impossible engine" that might actually work. Read articles about an experimental FTL drive that could get us out of the milky way in matter of weeks. Most of the rumors are false, and that's what sickens me. Im worked up over nothing now. It all so seems so easy in theory, but when put out its just too hard. Were we not meant to leave this planet? What if the time calls for it. My chemistry professor's father used to work at a portion for NASA, he would take the big telescope and look for objects or anything heading for earth. In 2026 we're supposed to be on the lookout for a potentially huge asteroid that might collide with earth. Big enough to wipe a good chunk of country out, or causing total human extinction. That's what scares me, that we don't take a moment and just ask our selves "what if". WHAT IF! WE TRIED, DEVOTED OUR TIME AND MONEY INTO SOMETHING IMPOSSIBLE, AND IT SO HAPPENS TO WORK? NO ONE SEEMS TO GET THAT, THROUGHOUT OUR EVOLUTION, WE WERE, NO, WE STILL ARE PIONEERS, LOOKING FOR NEW WAYS TO EXPLORE. What makes us stop at earth? Why would we just stop at earth. No matter who I talk about this to, I just get the same "your delusional, that's all sci-fi junk." Im so sick and tired of the same "its never going to happen" or "its impossible" niche everyone's completely accepted. They don't seem to notice that this, "impossible engine" can get people to mars in weeks instead of months or even years! It puts a hole in my heart knowing people would shoot down the idea of interstellar travel, when the bi-plane of technology is right in front of them. Yeah, it might be just a short step forward, but with experiments they're sure to find a way.

I just think its silly that we've stopped being us, the explorers. And if we're truly alone in the universe, then what's stopping us from going out and striving for it. Looking up in the sky and saying, "One day, I'll walk on that planet".

With that, I'd like to know what your thoughts are on space travel, or colonization on another planet relatively close. Because lets be honest, we all can't live on this rock forever.

Suggestions & Requests / SetTimeScale Event
« on: December 06, 2014, 10:27:34 PM »
^ Simple.

Ex. OnActivate-Self-SetTimeScale .1-2

Off Topic / Kirby megathread, Down with ddd
« on: November 30, 2014, 06:20:59 PM »




Do it for charity, do not throw ranch dressing and thermal paste into the bin please. 

Suggestions & Requests / Need a list and link to all of Ibanz's addons.
« on: November 26, 2014, 12:57:20 AM »
^ Title. If anyone has a stash of all Ibanz's addons please, link them here.

Off Topic / Do American movies feature in uk theaters?
« on: October 16, 2014, 06:03:23 PM »
Just wondering if Hollywood movies ever make it outside our country.

Off Topic / Bot spammer, this time through major groups.
« on: October 09, 2014, 07:09:03 PM »
Just a heads up, it seems to be going through major tf2 groups.

I ALMOST thought it was a real person, but then again I really don't have anything good to trade and the messages were instantaneous.

Games / ppsspp help, blinking player 1 light of death
« on: September 14, 2014, 12:19:29 AM »
my psp broke the other day so I decided to download an emulator, namely ppsspp.
the game I have (not pirated) Is Db: Tag team. I don't like using keyboards for 3d fighters so I usually use a controller.
I plug in my dualshock 3 ps3 controller into the usb port, the computer recognizes its a game controller, and I turn on the emulator.
unresponsive. Is there a 3rd party program that can help me in my cause? or is it the controller itself? I've already looked into a program named
motion or something along the lines of that, it looks shady as forget and xpadder looks confusing.

Ok update, downloaded better DS3. Re-plugged controller in random usb now the 1st player light is flashing with no response. Again it says there is a gaming controller plugged in its just that I can't "test" to see if it works properly.

Off Topic / Favorite insect, or any type small bug like creature.
« on: September 08, 2014, 07:36:10 PM »
/title, just realized that I like cicadas. Don't know why, maybe because they're faster than sonic.
Post your insects/insect pets here.

Buzz buzz motherforgeters.

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