
Did you like what you ate today?


Author Topic: What did you eat today? [DAY 90]  (Read 28419 times)

i shall update later on:
breakfast: litterally nothing but i may eat a poptart or something for brunch

Goldfish is good to eat for breakfast. If you don't eat the flavor blasted one then you are not pure.

i made a cookie for breakfast a cheese dog for lunch and a hungry man 1998 exclusive meal in a box

Bowl of cereal and juice which is fine, but I think the milk was just a tick past date and my GI tract is paying for it.

I ate a deli turkey sandwich with fries

Had oatmeal, my mom is making a crockpot rn

coco pops for breakfast, dominoes pizza for lunch

im not
of course you aren't, for christ sake you're a table made of salt goddemmit!

I had a salad with ranch. Salad taste good, then i had a double whopper from bruger kink

why is there a huge GIF in the poll

hash brown and mountain dew
turkey wrap, chips, yoohoo
nothing for dinner yet