


Author Topic: :)  (Read 4445 times)

« Last Edit: April 13, 2017, 02:58:54 AM by Bisjac »

option 4 is the only way. God bless america

"stable hookup"

she's married, stability is out the window. go with 1, seems like a you thing.

4 is also a safe option

Girl A is married to Guy A, He for the most part isnt in my life in any realistic way.

Wait, so you're loving someone's wife?

« Last Edit: April 13, 2017, 02:59:37 AM by Bisjac »

plus that husband was trying to cheat on her anyways, so its especially not my problem lol

Does she know? You should probably tell her

I decided not to. because Girl B is pretty cool with me now, and shes not wanting me to.

at the end of the day, everyone is stuffty, but we all are good friends.
the irony is, everyone would prob be cool with all things if it all came out in the open from the beginning. but since  secrets were kept from each other all this time, there would be drama over THAT lol.

its easier for all parties involved to keep things as they are.

Is this meant to be a sort of humble brag or are you legit in asking? I can't understand why anyone would try and seek that sort of advice here

« Last Edit: April 13, 2017, 02:59:46 AM by Bisjac »

You're asking a bunch of 13-17 year olds on a lego forum for advice on how to forget someone's wife

This sounds so dysfunctional that I'm actually convinced BLF is the best possible place to seek advice on it

You're asking a bunch of 13-17 year olds on a lego forum for advice on how to forget someone's wife


This sounds so dysfunctional that I'm actually convinced BLF is the best possible place to seek advice on it

finally, something the forums can understand

how strong is your relationship with girl A
how many consequences would there be if you let go of that relationship or got found by guy A

forget Guy A, marry Girl B, kill Girl A